Specialized LLMs trained for specific tasks can be immensely beneficial! I’m glad to see some of that happening instead of “Company XYZ is now needlessly adding AI to it’s products because buzzwords!”
Specialized LLMs trained for specific tasks can be immensely beneficial! I’m glad to see some of that happening instead of “Company XYZ is now needlessly adding AI to it’s products because buzzwords!”
I can only imagine how terrifying it must be to face the pressure of an entire government for sharing information. Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, Aaron Swartz, Reality Winner, and many more people have bravely shared information at great personal cost and have faced consequences because of it. I wish Mr. Li the best of luck, because long after he is forgotten by most of the Internet he will still be suffering blowback for the brave act of spreading truth. Not all heros wear capes, but some may look like cats.
It doesn’t matter any more than any other individual data point. The concern is that when all the data points are collated, it gives a LOT more information about someone than many people realize.
Here’s another website referencing that article for visibility: https://metacurity.substack.com/p/best-infosec-related-long-reads-for-d92
So much time spent playing Sid Meier’s Pirates! I think there was a remake that was faithful to the original with updated graphics, and it was great times. Capture ships, attack forts, trade goods.l… just a great game.
Yaaaaaaas! It looks like they stayed true to the original game, so this is a day 1 pickup for me.
Super Mario RPG was amazing on so many levels. Sadly, we will never again see the likes of Mallow and Geno due to the Nintendo/Square schism, but at least it holds up well on a replay. The soundtrack is also great for background noises almost anytime.
Same, we use XBox controllers to operate remote cameras for pipeline inspections and they usually survive far longer than is reasonable considering some of the abuse we put them through. That being said, I have no idea about the quality of Logitech, but at the very least they should have had a backup controller available as it would have a small footprint and be a huge failsafe.
Thank you for the rundown! It almost makes me want to go back and take a look at the shit show… But tis a silly place and I shant be going back.
Yeah, it’s ridiculous, but that’s why other -> 0% is always a valid option. I’ll tip if I’m paying after eating a meal or if someone delivered some food to me, otherwise miss me with that shit.
I think the key is element is that these new communities are “growing”. If they can get and maintain a critical mass of users to provide enough content and interactions to remain viable, then they can continue to develop as alternatives.
If you want the full comfy chillax experience, add the mod that just lets you pause time whenever you want. Feel like fishing but don’t want to miss something? Take a pause and relax with a rod for a bit.
I also suffer from min/max gaming and this is the only way I could enjoy the game without being stressed.