So that makes it okay to shit on women in games? Go cope elsewhere, incel.
So that makes it okay to shit on women in games? Go cope elsewhere, incel.
If you ever wanted proof that a population that doesn’t understand math allows the billionaires to take advantage of them here it is. This is why education systems are under attack, because if you understood how taxes work you’d more likely support higher tax rates for the rich.
Time to penis is not just for software and game dev, applied to physical mediums long ago first.
Take your mask off and see what happens, incel. It’s always the same fucking formula, go and whine about your own tiny little insecurities every single time anything about women’s experience is highlighted.
You’d find something between your ribs irl real quick if you took off your mask around the people in your life and they found out how incapable you are of even reading about half the population of the Earth’s perspective without self inserting your pathetic insecurities.