I would skip it. Turns out it’s a 3D movie and a gangbang.
I would skip it. Turns out it’s a 3D movie and a gangbang.
He’s just looking for the ol’ 6-6-6
6 figures
6/10 (or better)
6 IQ
I would check two things:
Is it a QLED tv? Those are very efficient with the backlight power. QLED only have a blue led backlight and the “quantum dots” in the panel between the backlight and the LCD panel absorb the blue light and emit the red green and blue needed to create the full color spectrum.
How many nits of brightness does it produce? I’d check for the specific model on RTINGS. It won’t help OP much if the TV is efficient, but so dim that it’s unusable in their case.
Reflectivity also helps with brightness when viewed in a bright room. The less reflective (matte) the less brightness the TV needs to overcome distracting light sources reflecting on the screen.
Edit: Had to look it up to be sure, normal LED panels use filters that filter red, green, and blue light from a white light source. This means roughly 1/3 of the light from the backlight is filtered away, hence the energy inefficiency vs QLED which uses the energy from the blue light to create the colors.
Intestingly, some DLP projectors use alternating red, green, and blue light sources which strobe on the DLP chip which takes turns modulating the intensity of each color. Less efficient (and bright) DLPs use a single white light source and a color wheel (rotating color filter).
How old is this house?
In 1971, the US National Electrical Code (NEC) required grounded receptacles in all locations of the home (effective January 1, 1974).
You can check with a $6 electrical receptical tester.
It could be that the electrical system was grounded to the waterlines that enter the house (those should definitely be copper).
Kinda looks like ARK but with Pokemon… Interesting
This is why you don’t leave Pillsbury dough tubes in a hot car.
They can stand at the border and use binoculars. /s
Show some respect. His name is Murphy, and he’s a damn fine cop.
I think they’re better. Way more fire, less brittle, and a more unique and much rarer stone.
First discovered 120 years ago in very tiny amounts in a meteorite crater, it wasn’t till the 90s that you could actually get a moissanite gemstone.
I am also convinced that diamonds are a scam.
There’s a whole book about the scam and it’s available online:
Was a very good read before I proposed.
The ball is in the DEA’s court. Some say it should be rescheduled by Spring:
How long the DEA might take to form a response is an open question, though experts told MJBizDaily that an initial proposed rule could be issued by the end of the year and the process finalized by next spring.
What the DEA cannot do is reject the HHS recommendation outright, said Howard Sklamberg, who once served as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s top enforcement official.
This means marijuana’s days as a Schedule 1 drug are ending. It’s only a matter of when.
Same vibes as this
Package was being delivered by GOB Bluth.
“Return from whence you came!”
It’s in the article:
The $20 minimum wage is just a starting point. The law creates a fast food council that has the power to increase that wage each year through 2029 by 3.5% or the change in averages for the U.S. Consumer Price Index for urban wage earners and clerical workers, whichever is lower.
The raise takes effect on April 1
For those out of the loop:
If any y’all become a jury foreman, it’s your civic duty to deliver to the verdict in the form of an oompa loompa song.
First off, the water would need to be desalinated or you would ensure the land would be unsuitable for farming (and really growing anything) for generations.
Also, sand doesn’t hold water. In fact, when planting trees and other bushes, if you want more drainage, you typically add rocks and sand.
Second, most plants need non-sandy soil to grow on (palm trees and other beach bushes and plants aside) though those grow in areas that have lots of rain already.
Thirdly, the soil will need bacteria to aid the plants in obtaining nutrients and breaking down waste (dead leaves, dead plantlife, etc).
The way to do it is to look at a couple of projects that are fighting against desertification in Africa:
The Great Green Wall https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/great-green-wall/
Using compostable waste to fertilize soil https://jstories.media/article/greening-the-desert-with-trash
You’ll notice that many of these projects start at the edges of deserts. Instead of relying on pumping water onto sandy soil (which would just suck up the water as sand doesn’t hold water that well) they focus on extending the non desert ecosystem onto the desert so that the new soil will absorb water better, the weather over the newly terraformed area will be less dry, and it will eventually be self sustaining.
Still looking. Closest I’ve found so far aside from the Widex app is this web page based generator:
They also have other background noise options:
It’s free with optional donations.
They have an android app but it’s out of date.
Edit: Theres also Nature space but likewise, their android app is out of date (unsupported on newer devices)
Do a search for you server OS + STIG
Then, for each service you’re hosting on that server, do a search for:
Service/Program name + STIG/Benchmark
There’s tons of work already done by the vendors in conjunction with the DoD (and CIS) to create lists of potential vulnerable settings that can be corrected before deploying the server.
Along with this, you can usually find scripts and/or Ansible playbooks that will do most of the hardening for you. Though it’s a good Idea to understand what you do and do not need done.