Can’t wait for bard to join the google graveyard with stadia once the ai fad passes!
Can’t wait for bard to join the google graveyard with stadia once the ai fad passes!
Yea a lot of the niche communities haven’t and probably won’t migrate to these smaller sites like Lemmy and Mastodon. Don’t know how to solve the issue either.
In this case, the Orioles would have to announce they have an official mastodon to get most fans to move to it.
Personally I’ve just stopped using the internet for checking on my niche hobbies. A good number of Reddit clones have been trying to populate communities with bots to just post links but without any discourse, it’s the same effect as just googling “topic” and filtering for links from this week. I’m sure it will get better with time. Maybe
Is this a meme? I clicked on it and it took me to an article to seemed completely serious. Is this like the onion for white collar workers?
I too would love a captcha solver extension for Firefox. Those things are getting annoying.
Gold things (jewelry) usually go well with warm colored clothes, think red, pink, orange, etc.
Silver jewelry is better suited for when you’re wearing cool colored clothes.
From running multiple accounts across multiple instances, I’ve found that each instance feels like a separate forum of posts. Sure some of the big ones federate with each other, but that still doesn’t lead to being able to see the same federated content when you log into or I think a lot of the differences in content lie with which instances federate with which other instances.
I think it was for early demographics data collection. Same with asking about skin color, age, etc.
(Btw I identify as “household pet walking across the keyboard - other” with pronouns get/down)
They’re way too expensive. Moving parts such as the folding screen are just a focal point for stress, which is unacceptable given how expensive they are. I hate hearing that people can get dust in the hinge without anyway to clean it out.
You’re also paying for extra screens such as the one on the outside and the folding inner screen. This is just added unnecessary cost when you’ll never use both at the same time. I’m guessing the outer screens were added to reduce the number of times people unfold the phone over its lifetime, which gets back to my other point that adding moving parts just adds more issues than it solves.
Overall, I see it as a novelty at best. From the prices I’ve seen them sold at for the phones that turn into a tablet like device when unfolded, you can just buy a phone and a tablet separately for less. I think their purpose is to create a product more expensive than what the current flagship phones run, giving rich people something to spend additional money on to to show they have a lot of money and enough novelty for tech reviewers to discuss during reviews.
Old meme I’m sure, would be funnier in 2020
And just like regular democracy, the owners will show up last second to put their finger on the scale 😞
Don’t use company computers for personal stuff, it all gets logged and can be used against you at the very least as evidence that you weren’t working come performance reviews.
I’ve been amazed at how goofy these apple goggles look juxtaposed with how excited rich nerds are to hoover up new a new apple toy and tech personalities are to talk about a new apple product.
To be fair that’s how I learn too! I read what others have written, watch was others do, and generally take knowledge that other people have found, experienced, or learned from other folks themselves. Also I used to never leave my room and didn’t experience life either lol.
Anyway, it’s rare that I can sit down and poke and prod something or some subject to learn and research on my own something new, only to find that hundreds of other people have already figured that out and I just reinvented the wheel.
I think what you were trying to get at is usually referred to the concept of the Chinese room.
Regardless, the concern for me hasn’t been that LLMs can’t replace humans, it’s that they can replace writers, voice actors, extras, and programmers. (Software engineers just see AI as a new tool for the toolbox, but that’s a tangent I’m not getting into here) replacing the creatives that make entertainment is largely concerning in that like you said, the LLMs just regurgitate content that was fed into the model and new creative works can’t be created with it.
The corporations that make money on the creatives love these new AIs as a way to cut costs. I think there is going to be an influx of cheap scripts created for sitcoms, children’s shows, and popcorn summer movies and there isn’t much anyone can do other than boycott the content.
It’s kind of scary knowing this could shut out new writers and actors from the industry as their market effectively shrinks. Though I’m hoping that people will recognize the cheap junk food level content created by LLMs and stop consuming it in favor of content written and acted by humans.
Luckily, the big name celebrities can’t be replaced by LLM anytime soon, but I’m sure the scripts for the superhero movies will have acts largely written by LLMs soon. I also expect something like the Simpsons to be entirely AI generated and voice acted. They have over 30 years of content to feed into the model and the show is already known for regurgitating its own jokes, stories and content.
Thanks for listening to my TED talk.
Oh no!
Most people just call that “cargo cult” where they don’t know why they do something, they just do the ritual without questioning it. Also it probably won’t lead to people looking up stuff related to putting a roast on a spit 😉
Could just be “now you have to spend your money on boring stuff like milk, eggs, and bills”
I usually see that on subreddits with LGBT focused content.