A web app is just a fancy name for a dynamic web page. Change my mind.
Reddit refugee. Likes the Agora. Likes classical music. Flight simmer. No life.
A web app is just a fancy name for a dynamic web page. Change my mind.
Here’s the way: look at the little “crack” on the middle of the plug on one side (the vast vast vast majority have one) – that should be facing down. I haven’t used a vertical plug in a while but I think it faces left there.
For the forsaken anguish of God, microUSB, it’s reversed, so crack up.
Well first a new voting system would be required because Orbán, after winning in an unproportional system, decided to make the system even worse. So now, even if he only gets 45-54% of the vote, the same exact 68% supermajority is guaranteed.
I think the left side scale is cm over 1m, so he would be 167cm, and the right scale is just a flustercuck.
Zwischen uns.
wait until you see the immense disproportionality of the Hungarian voting system. MMP sounds nice, but the implementation makes it possible for our beloved leader to lose the popular vote and win 2/3 of the Parliament. 48% to 67% of seats. Lovely, eh? That was 2014. Unfortunately our demagogue brainwasher has now convinced 54% of voters the last time. And he won the exact same 2/3 sup.majority.
Unfortunately not because of an even worse version of the worst voting system in democracies: Fucked Past the Post.
No no, Orbán doesn’t want to be a dictator, he wants Fidesz to be the only party. You know this because he would hand over the PM post to Máté Kocsis any time and you know he would because Máté acted like a sack of shit in the pardon scandal.
But yes. The govt is bullshitting its way through being a dictator.
Hungarian here. tf??? Tbf, basically everyone here says “haha the western dollar-media doesn’t understand our government/people/culture und und und”. Even Opposition voters.
Also, Orbán is only the third or second worst option. We also have actual Neo-Nazis in parliament, thankfully not yet to AfD/right extreme FPÖ levels.
Exactly. As in “if I were you”.
IT bubonic plague
Hungary presents: grep --kis--és-nagybetűk-figyelmen-kívül-hagyása
Yeah that is a resounding no. PS: I am not exaggerating. That is the first translation that came into mind
God how hard it will be for people to realise how fucking stupid making more russian reactors and signing more russian gas contracts are. Our electoral system is in shambles1. social issues are overwhelmingly conservative here. The bigger green party is anti-gLObaLisM. The neo-na**s have the same amount of seats as green party number 1.
1: 2022: Popular vote: 54,13% Fidesz-KDNP; 34,44% United Opposition; 5,88% Our Homeland (neo-na**s). cf district votes: Fidesz-KDNP 87, United Opposition 19.
Mixed system so parliament makeup (199 seats) is 135 seats - 67,84% for Fidesz-KDNP; 57 seats - 28,64% for United Opposition; 6 seats - 3,02% for Our Homeland; and 1 seat for German national representation thing.
So yeah, shit’s fucked
Hard agree. Our government will wreck the economy just to die on two hills: social conservatism (EU funding says hi) and russian reliance. Russian gas, russian atom (x2) because they want to build Paks II. They also gerrymandered the everliving fuck out of electoral districts so they can win their precious supermajority. I hope they fail on at least one of the aforementioned hills so they can drop the ball like the now-opposition did in 2006. As for communism, well, the 72% seems very wrong. Sure we had dictatorship-lite, but 1956 happened beforehand, to which we lost many of our schools for example. Plenty of (grand+)parents’ tales paint communism like it was the worst thing that could possibly have happened. Also, if 72% of people preferred communism, then surely the dem. socialist party would Poll higher than 3%.
Reminder that fidesz (the govt party) was originally anti-communist. (I am Hungarian if it wasn’t obvious).
You might have just made me search for a distro to hop to. I looked at OpenSUSE but then realised that software availability might just be a pain in the fourth point of contact. Why god why me
I’m in the same boat, and KDE is quite buggy for me under Nobara, but I’m too lazy to maintain a rolling distro and I haven’t found anything yet that I like more.
Fellow Nobara user and man of culture, I see
It’s a pirate’s life for me… and apparently for Netflix.
The country, meanwhile, is the uncanniest Mr. incredible, but instead of black and white, it’s orange and white (We love Fidesz)