exxon is like “please throw up more soup” while holding a cigar and laughing like marvel villain
Go to a real protest holding a an actual sign with actual message DUHHH
I bet fossil fuel companies love this
Banana was too bonita
so he’s not leftist but MARXIST uhhhh so scary us newspaper
Funny how elon will be one of the main reasons the US won’t set a base on mars before china
They are going back a century, to the manual teleoperator. When all started, it’s the circle of tech
Comes in comes out, who knows, not me I’m a robot beep bop beep
Open secret
Or use WhatsApp like most of criminals
Mr beast: I bought one of the world’s fastest computer and we are going to run the biggest Minecraft server in the world for a competition with 1 million players! the winner will get 10000 dollars and also I’m donating 10000 diapers to Angola
Chatgpt: How do I kill all the children in this thread?
As a AI model I’m not allowed to promote violence against… Also since children are involved this case was reported to your local enforcement agency
*publicist cash
Turns out they never do lol
It’s a secret tool that will help us later
Or solve it the Vietnamese way
Google: don’t be --evil–
Stock was at 420 and that was all that matters
WTF? No pyramids? -the aliens
-Could they turn into westeners? -no, sir even wose. They could turn unto vegans