Ah, i see. Thats really interesting, thanks for your insight.
Ah, i see. Thats really interesting, thanks for your insight.
That’s interesting, last I had heard TikTok was morally abysmal when it came to paying creators. Unless that changed in the last few months then any Tiktok creator would make more money on YouTube even with a smaller audience.
Well if you define death as “not existing” then 100% of people who don’t experience life are also dead.
“Hmmm well if you think tiktok should be banned for spying then do you think american social media platforms should be banned for doing the same thing?”
Yes. They should. That is not the argument you think it is.
“sometimes it’s wildly wrong and they don’t question where it comes from”
A stark difference from google results surely
Ok, but they should logically be afraid of causing it. The only reason not to be afraid of the end of the world is if you’re going to the good afterlife.
Ya and if memory serves i think he clawed his own eyes out and committed suicide after finding out.
So does Nintendo like control Japanese distribution policy or something?
Tiber Septim using Neilmidium the brass titan
Ive been reading a lot of Russian history lately. The Bolsheviks basically swan dived into an opressive surveillance state right from the starting gun, loooong before any relations with america. The west didnt cause Stalin’s purges and they had nothing to do with the Holodomor. People seriously suffered under communism, its genuinely atrocious.
Extremely well said, thank you.
When i figure out what gen a’s ‘funny’ synonym is I’ll update the list
I’m a lmaoer myself but i can throw in a lol depending on who I’m talking to.
For me its moreso about what the older gens won’t use than what the younger ones will
My general metric:
Hahaha = gen x
Lol = older millenial
Lmao = younger millenial
💀 = Gen z
Very well said, did you ever read the sort-of-prequel portrait of the artist as a young man?
The thing i always think about is that qoute from Virginia Wolfe where she likens the writing to a schoolboy doing stunts for the sake of getting attention. I remember thinking that was exactly how it felt while I was reading Ulysses, it felt like a highschool creative writer mashing things together without considering whether it was actually good or not.
However im not going to sit here and pretend im an objective critic. The book is obviously famous and important for a reason. I’m interested to know how it saved your life, if you feel like sharing
You know how when you’re studying literature you’re generally supposed to assume that everything is intenional and there’s nothing just thrown in for no reason … Well when you read Joyce, it’s really really hard not to feel like he’s just doing things for the sake of being pretentious and obtuse.
I think you’re right. The only discrepancy I can think of might be that you implicitly know that “andalley” has meaning and context beyond what you currently understand and ascribe to it. A dog probably doesn’t think too hard about whether walking is the action of moving one’s legs or the state of being outside.