I read of such stories once in a while. Sadly, I cannot relate because I always played singleplayer games back then, so I missed out on that. But I would like to add that joining pve world events in guild wars 2, there is some chance that there are people chatting publicly like they have known each other for a long time. Not sure what is is worth, though, but it always give good vibes to work together. Me playing mostly wvw (pvp) we (me and my friend) somehow found some likeminded people who invited us to their private voice chat and talk there while playing together. It is not very often, but it is a start, I guess.
Not sure where I was going with that but I though I add what I could I guess. Thank you for reading!
It’s cool but as soon as I need to move I am out. Moving is inconvenient at best and nausiating at worst (for me). So that does not leave me with a lot of possible games. Edit: I am sure that is the same for most people.
Ethoslab. Pretty sure he still does quality content (probably) but I just can’t watch minecraft content anymore. Also, I don’t even have the time to watch/play everything what I really do want.
She has a video on YT on her own channel about that. Pretty sure the problem is the… negativity against her. She appeared in one or two LTT videos for a brief moment though. And there is at least one video by her on floatplane. But I am not following anything actively so that is the only info I have.
Every time I open YT on my tablet I am extremely confused what the shit titles and thumbnails are. DeArrow is one heck of an essential extension.
My go-to solution is to use a vm and pass it raw access to the os disk on my normal desktop. Then I just put the disk into the server.
Also, stronger, blinding sunlight and more headaches.
They somehow got the message and actually implemented that it can *checks notes* open emails.
I never understood why everyone uses it as a ignore list. In my own and work repositories I always exclude everything by default and re-add stuff explicitly. I have had enough random crap checked in in the past by coworkers. Granted, the whole source folder is fully included but that has never been a problem.
I had a teacher that taught both religion and chemistry. People who learned about that often made comments about it being weird. But he insisted that both topics are not exclusive to each other. It has been a long time since school but I think his reasoning (if that is the correct word) has been that one is philosophical and the other scientific which are separate worlds. You can’t prove stuff in faith scientifically but neither has religion a place in the " real" world. And, to be completely honest, he was by far one of the best teachers I have ever had.
Man, I always found that weird but never looked it up…
And I thought that “8” had something to do with “netes” because it somewhat resembles the pronunciation 🤦♂️
First time I read in windows update “we are commited to reduce co2 emissions” I was like “wtf”.
It really did hit hard.
At least for me I could get into the next story part after I was like “wtf just happened” but for players at the time of release this was the latest part of the story and they were stuck with this awful last line for week(s).
This statement reminds me awfully of the Living World Season 4 Story in Guild Wars 2.
And yes, before people become angry about this comparison: I said “reminds me”, not “the same as” or anything else.
Explanation (hard spoiler!):
In essence, you do everything you can, unite different people for the fight that determines the fate of the world. But… you lose and that was the only chance. You barely survive with your friends; but not all.
The Commander (you) are asked what to do (because you always had some kind of answers; a plan; every time). But since this was the only hope, you say “I don’t know.”
I did not even know that a DLC came out. I am sure I would have if it was good news because streamers I follow would have tested it.
But it is so sad. I really liked cities skylines because it basically is what I wanted from sim city. But with a million mods it would always break at certain points and force me to stop playing. I had such high hopes with 2 but seeing this game at launch and now seemingly still broken is so… well I am not really sure how I (should) feel.
The good thing is, that I do not have to keep reading and researching but rather wait for some “news” to pop up in my feed again. So I can get back to forgetting about it.
Appimage might also be a way
THAT is very shitty. My problem is that after using it for a bit apps start freezing for a split second all the time. Most notable is firefox. The frequency and duration of them increase steadily. Then opening a new program might freeze the system fully (or wait minutes/hours until it unfreezes). It has something to do with memory allocation “according to” dmesg.
I would like to point out that they are free to modify the source code before building the binary they distribute. Being open source does not mean protection from secretly stealing data.
With chrome it is obvious because the closed part is called chrome and the open is chromium. But it is certainly possible to not make “stealing” magic on top public.