Don’t you get it? This one was one of the good ones. /s
Don’t you get it? This one was one of the good ones. /s
Keeping these friendships going could combat their radicalization, but I’m not faulting you, I also cancelled friendships over this.
But then you can’t call the US a liberal democracy in any way as they aren’t hands-off at all. Time and time again they meddle in other countries’ business to exert influence and power and to advance their interests.
Israel itself was created by the West as Palestine was a British colony before and the US has since given more support to Israel than they would usually grant an ally. The continuous protection (political and militaristic) makes Israel almost a vassal state of the US. This is the real reason why “liberal democracies” have not reacted much (yet, hopefully).
Lol, as all ratings there’s biases and simplifications…
Even the biolab one could be both natural and man made: the virus was found and isolated by biologists studying local bat populations. They then failed to contain it properly (remember how surprised everyone was when they realized how contagious it was over the air?) and it started spreading.
This is our natural AC overheating slowly…
Dude, the other day I was reading some rag because there was nothing else to do in the train… One article was just Trump’s agenda without any commentary. How is that news if you don’t put it in perspective and with the context that Trump barely reached any of his goals in the first term. Unbelievable.
You tested it for microplastics? They’re everywhere. Even on top of mountains
And even “white” is a very vague term. My GF from Latin America is blonde and if it weren’t for her brown eyes, she could easily pass as a local in Europe. In fact she does pass as a local often enough. Plenty of people in Latin America are perfectly “white”, so immigrants from Latin American countries to the US can assimilate within a generation, easily. I know plenty of “white” Americans speaking perfectly fine American English, but with a last name like Garcia. So yeah, it’s ridiculous to die on the hill of “non-white” immigration from the south.
In fact, all of US wealth and power is built upon (involuntary/undocumented) immigration in different aspects, but pretty much every way. There’s a reason why your electronics are cheap and your food is so affordable.
The thing is: It’s 30%, but leave it to the US to call themselves a democracy and completely defy the understanding of other democratic countries.
It’s one thing to say that a country not spending even 2% of the GDP should not be able to call Article 5. It’s another thing to say you would “encourage [Russia] to do whatever they wanted to do” with said country.
Nevertheless it’s signaling unreliability, because it would violate the treaty the US has signed. Plenty of NATO countries have helped out the US when they called article 5 on bullshit arguments and lies when invading Afghanistan.
But you’re right. It’s good European countries rethink their dependence. Too bad it comes with rethinking their alliances as well, with a belligerent USA.
Trump’s inviting the invasion. Let’s not get things twisted. The US has plenty of ways to pressure other member states to contribute more spending to the alliance than threatening publicly to break the treaty and winking towards Russia.
The US demonstrates themselves as an unreliable partner. That’s not in the interest of the US as they lose power globally, when countries rethink their dependence on them.
Congressional approval is necessary for entering treaties, not for leaving them. Congress tries to change that. Hopefully in time
All the new Quests have a see-through function. That’s nothing new for VR devices. AVP got only 12ms delay and sacrificed FOV for image clarity, but that’s the only innovation.
My Android phone is so customizable it doesn’t run any Google services on it. That’s the difference: open source. But like I said, it’ll be quite a challenge providing an open source localization infrastructure. But there are already papers doing it with open street maps.
And with 9/11 a lot of people have talked of blowback. Are you saying the same can be said about Israel?
Indeed. Has all the VR features, but tries to sell as AR device with little to no AR use cases with the exception of a text field opening up over a real bluetooth keyboard. Having dozens of screens and apps floating around you isn’t “AR”, it’s VR. And that you can see the real world has already been done by Occulus years ago. Sure this is a better quality and leverages the Apple ecosystem, but you can’t sell it believably as an AR device yet. That said, the apps of the first iPhone weren’t great either, so let’s see how they iterate over this 600g ski goggles.
The first iPad also had shitty reviews and then it still established itself. I wouldn’t judge too early just based on these initial reviews.
Went to one of these with my co-workers. We were the only ones and nobody was there before we arrived and when we left there wasn’t anybody else coming in either.
They probably have to constantly update the HW to actually get customers and then it has to be expensive enough that the few that come, make them a profit.
I don’t know… democrats always rolled over the past few years and used the increasing crisis as fundraising opportunity.