Ghost of Tsushima will probably still be the better Assassin’s Creed Japan game
Ghost of Tsushima will probably still be the better Assassin’s Creed Japan game
They talk about Apple products, but that’s not something I concern myself about. I just like vibing with Grey’s beautiful mind
He’s still in the Cortex podcast :)
CGP Grey might be one of the most interesting people to ever have lived. I cannot get enough of his podcasts. I still miss Hello Internet dearly.
They can be if you are brave
Welcome to the Jungle?
I think I’ve seen the video he’s referring to. It was good background noise for when I explored the underworld in Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (took ages!)
It’s only fair.
Star Wars
Make it quintuple A and then MAYBE they’ll have a chance
I guess that when you come from a land of tweaking things to juuust the way you like it, any hindrance to this would be annoying
Well… There’s yer problem
You must mean 7.5 hours
Laughs/cries in European
The only song on here I actually know!
It’ll not be swapped during gameplay, but upon installation. RDR2 was similar.
Have I got some good news for you then.
One cannot buy digital content with DRM, only rent it.
It’s impossible to regret acquisitions you’ve never made.
Point in case. You can sell on your physical games. Not so much the digital ones.
All that said, I too use Steam, just not mainly anymore.
Edit: Holy smokes did this blow up! I’m happy to drive engagement here on the fediverse, albeit I do believe I struck a nerve. Either that, or some people have poor reading capabilities - I see the comments refuting something I haven’t said.
How much 5,200 ft in average human speech?
Cheap cancer