It should say “fuck reddit” where they join hands.
It should say “fuck reddit” where they join hands.
Forearms. It’s always forearms.
After hearing the call audio — and I am not defending spez here — I can actually understand how it might have been initially perceived as a “threat” given the context of the conversation. It was a mix of technical and financial negotiations (or really just spez saying “this is how it is, you can suck it”) and Christian was speaking metaphorically about Apollo’s API calls being “noisy” and (at least how I understood it) was suggesting perhaps “quiet” it down by optimizing the software.
I am not trying to victim blame here and it absolutely does not excuse spez turning around and publicly shit talking Christian, especially after spez immediately apologized on the call after admitting to misinterpreting what he heard … anyway, the point I’m trying to make is that it’s important to communicate clearly, directly, and unambiguously.
The headline is still that spez is a greedy sack of shit.
Particularly in the way that lemmy isn’t finance bro bullshit
Reddit following in their footsteps shortly after
I’m feeling rather smug and justified telling my clients to keep files on a local server that they control rather than “the cloud” someone else’s computer.
Except more and more companies are hopping on this gravy train because they can get away with it. At some point (and that point may be now already, depending on the sector), it’s going to be difficult-to-impossible to buy anything without this subscription bullshit.
Anything that doesn’t incur an ongoing cost to provide should be legally prohibited from being sold as a “subscription.”
I’ve been a loyal RiF user for years. RiF is reddit to me. This really sucks. So long, reddit.
Except when they clog up hospitals with lung cancer, emphysema and COPD en masse. Now it’s everyone’s problem.
Unless someone can convince them that healthcare is the work of their boogeyman du jour and they should stay home and suffocate like a real man. Then we’re golden. Hey, Fox News, I have an idea for you…
Lemonade being fucking delicious isn’t reason enough?
Well, I’m here, aren’t I?