Have you had covid? I have had a similar experience, and I suspect it’s a form of long covid affecting cognitive abilities and memory. You may want to look into it, as this is currently being studied.
Have you had covid? I have had a similar experience, and I suspect it’s a form of long covid affecting cognitive abilities and memory. You may want to look into it, as this is currently being studied.
It doesn’t work on anything, apparently. That’s kinda the point of the post.
Glory to you… abd your hoooouse!
Same. I am obsessed with their peanut butter cups and the peanut and cornflake bars.
That actually literally happened to my mom. Went months with a front door that wouldn’t latch because they refused to repair it after the fact.
Long story short, building got struck by lightning and one of the units caught fire. Everyone evacuated. Billy Badass firefighter than proceeds to kick down my mom’s door after she’s already evacuated to make sure that the unit was unoccupied and that the fire hadn’t spread. Her unit was on the for end of the building from the lightning strike and fire.
I know lots of firefighters, and most of them are authoritarian adrenaline junkies.
Ys 5? No such thing! Hoax!
Hmmm. Maybe I’ll give it another go. I only got about two or three hours in before I moved onto other items in the backlog.
Origins. Bayek is easily the most relatable and grounded character, and the story does a great job of setting up the origins of the Assassins. My only gripe is that Aya really needed more development and a game of her own.
Its odd, because I played the crap out of VIII, but hardly got into Monstrum Nox and am not even sure if I’m getting Nordics when it comes out on Switch. I probably will, but I feel like the series peaked with Dana.
I really like the Switch version, but I really got into the series playing this and Memories of Celceta. I kinda wish I still had the Vita, as I’m pretty sure it’s the only system with every game from 1-8 on it.
Think you better quit letting shit slip…
The solution: no human contact.
Darkstar One. And it is just now getting rereleased, so it doesn’t count.
So instead, I’ll pick The Legend of Dragoon on PSX. Such a fun RPG that really needs revisited.
That’s definitely a mental image right there.
Yer gonna need a much longer pole…
If you want to see all of the extra content for Royal, then you need to have all three. Which is exactly what I said in the first place.
Um, ack shoe wally!
SMT V’s main story is pretty average difficulty, almost too easy if you know the combat system and do any real prep with fusions. The optional content can be very challenging, though.
P5R does have similar requirements to get the true ending, but they’re pretty easy to meet if you make any real effort with keeping Confidants leveled. There are three Confidant requirements you need to meet to have access to the true ending and Royal’s extra content.
I cannot relate.