Do Macbooks have a matte screen?
Do Macbooks have a matte screen?
And the important thing to understand about american libertarians is they are largely fascists.
So let me get this straight, the people that are always complaining that the government should have less power and interference into people’s lives and want guns for regular people in case the government starts oppressing them are aligned with… checks wikipedia “a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.”?
I don’t agree with the libertarian view and think it’s way too ignorant of the nature of Man and society, but I think that in your ramble of buzzwords you just created a very cute incoherent contradiction.
Yeah, unfortunately it seems that the Google “can’t care to test updates” has been extended from some edge services to their main ones and only keeps on growing.
I say this as I’m using Revanced. I only see ads on the shorts, though.
Doesn’t Youtube do this, at least with shorts?
I’m tired of seeing ads on “how you can make 15$ watching one video and earning 20k in a month doing almost nothing” and I can’t find a way to report it.
(Lemmy is full of Communists from what I’ve seen)
Yes, it is. But I always thought those were the ones pearl clutching at edgy jokes, specially nazi related.
Judging by the post votes, either that’s just your opinion and doesn’t reflect on the majority, or lemmy has way more 12 year olds than I thought.
I don’t think it’s as much reducing performance, as it is stamping out poorly optimized cpu calls that make it work harder than it should.
Several reviewers I saw all said that the heat up issue is not consistent with doing performance work. One of them spent the whole day shooting 4k in the sun and the phone was fine. Then he went to use spotify while in airplane mode (literally on a plane) and the phone just started heating up for no reason.
Unfortunately, yes.
Like pretty much everything the CCP does, it’s “rules for thee, but not for me”.
My guess is that they are so used to controlling their people they probably think it should work for everything else.
You guys need keys?
Yeah, sometimes if I haven’t booted up my laptop in a while, I’ll run pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring to get the keys I need.
I’m 99% sure they wouldn’t pass a safety inspection.
I believe that they emit less CO2 compared to gasoline powered cars, but a lot more nitrates, which are carcinogenic.
Because it was popular enough for it to make sense…?