Romani ite domum!
Romani ite domum!
CCP supporters = wumao
Stupid Wired article was stupid.
In the Black Sea.
Then I’d be an E.U. citizen? Fuck yeah! Give me two months of vacation!
Explosive diarrhea?
Few if any are keeping a car long enough to even require replacing a battery. This is a nonsense argument to start. Aside outlier failures, batteries functionally last many more miles than most people drive an ICE car over their years of ownership. If the battery on a vehicle is badly degraded and not worth replacing, it’ll be sold off for recycling and the car parted out and scrapped like any other vehicle.
We’re talking about working simultaneously for direct competitors. You don’t do that. You get rightfully fired from whichever company you’re stabbing in the back. It’s a conflict of interest, period.
Freelance or contractors hired only for a specific project does not apply.
Are you daft? Seriously.
It’s a hypothetical, and it’s describing clear CONFLICT OF INTEREST, not a fucking iamverybadass comment.
If I started Big Ass data ANALysis and hired you design an analytics suite to sell access to businesses, and it’s way better than direct competitor’s Tiny Data Intelligence Computing’s product, and you start working directly for Tiny DIC coding their product package, that’s a conflict of interest and you WILL be fired. It’s fucking simple.
Yeah you’re not understanding the hypothetical at all.
If I hire you to do a job, and outside of working hours for me, you’re actively working against me, you’re fucking fired out of a cannon.
*Unless the employee is competing directly with the company
(I originally read into nonexistent context from the headline and am dum-dum.)
Given that Katie Porter and Adam Schiff are running for the seat, 0%.
Well, unless Newsom somehow appoints a geriatric Interim senator.
Not yet, because it would imply we already have a fleet of spacecraft (which are top secret), so it’d let Spot out of the bag.
It sucks that it’s taking this long to recover from an idiotic administration that fucked up almost literally everything.
“Software engineers aren’t real engineers because they don’t work on physical engines.”
-An absolute dumbass telling me this to my face years ago while literally designing a software solution for (hardware) engineers on a manufacturing line
Why, you want to make Data stick them back in their proper slots in Engineering after they drop [on the floor]? Gosh!
The irony. And now the dumpsterfire Musk was trying to coax back onto the platform is screaming idiotic bloody dumbshittery about electric cars on top of it.
Time for an official ouster, Tesla board members!
Well it would have said “Romani ite domum” if I didn’t typo that.
At least I didn’t write it as “Romanes eunt domus” like some weirdo.
(It’s a Monty Python reference)