Religions… All of them.
If everyone stopped believing in religion (any and all religions), all these religious leaders would lose their power.
The ending of SOMA. I sometimes watch it on youtube just to enjoy it again. Note: the ending won’t mean anything to you if you don’t already know the story.
I still can’t afford it 😔
Unfortunately it doesn’t matter. The government stopped representing the people a long time ago. We need to stick together. It is us vs. them, not one political ideology vs. another.
I’ve heard YouTubers say they aren’t making as much from their regular videos and that YouTube is pushing shorts. So the Youtubers have started to focus on shorts. I don’t like short so I don’t watch them.
RSS (RDF Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication) It is in use a fair amount, but it is usually buried. Many people don’t know it exists and because of that I am afraid it will one day go away.
I find it a great simple way to stay up to date across multiple web sites the way I want to (on my terms, not theirs) By the way, it works on Lemmy to :)
Yes. You listen to music without knowing anything about who wrote it and you feel something. That feeling has nothing to do with the composer or performer. Now if you find out the composer/performer is a “bad” person, I would recommend not giving them any money that could contribute to them spreading their “bad stuff”. I’d still enjoy the music because your enjoyment isn’t furthering their bad agenda.
I wouldn’t recommend the Pinetab2 at this time. It isn’t fully functional.
Check out CoreCtrl It can control CPU and GPU fans and has lots of options.
Lobbying and lobbyist groups.
For me it was magic. I love watching magicians. When I got a chance to do some magic tricks it just wasn’t as much fun as watching someone else do them.
Not specific advice, but make sure all the programs you use are available and where/how you will get them.
Where in KDE are those settings? I see Flatpak permissions listed in Discover (bottom of right panel,) but you can’t change them there. Not sure where else to look. I’ve been using Flatseal but if it isn’t needed …
That and not being able to be notified when there are new replies to a topic (you are only notified if some repplies to something you wrote.) That means you read something and have to go back to it regularly to see if there are new replies. That doesn’t work at all.
I always wondered how bragging about how long you worked was considered by some as a good thing. The “higher ups” must have used some fancy tricks to get people to think that way. It never worked on me though :)
For 2D CAD, LibreCAD
If you are using Ubuntu, they have live patch available. You have to sign up for Ubuntu Pro, but that is free for individuals. I just heard about this and haven’t tried it yet
MX Linux only because I have it on some very old 32 bit laptops and it supports 32 bit. I don’t really know why I keep those laptops around but they are functional.
" the CEO emphasized that customer experience comes before profits" I’m $ure it does.