If you go to the account that this account uses for proof, you’ll see that the user (byofrog) admitted that they fudged the specs to make them look identical. This is not a one to one comparison
If you go to the account that this account uses for proof, you’ll see that the user (byofrog) admitted that they fudged the specs to make them look identical. This is not a one to one comparison
Screenrant Article here from a day ago. It does still state that Nintendo intends to investigate, but most of the stolen/copied asset claims have been refuted or rescinded. With the main “they stole assets” person admitting they fabricated the proof because they hate how Palworld glorifies animal abuse (which is extremely ironic to me because no one had a problem when Pokémon was cockfighting for children)
You’re getting downvoted because it’s hard to believe there are any folk out there who are arguing in good faith that climate change is not at least partially (if not majorly) impacted by man-made causes. Capitalism being a driving factor would go hand in hand with climate change due to its proponents of “fuck you I got mine” and get rich at any cost. Capitalism is not for the people, it is for the capitalist, and the capitalists have shown that they are willing to burn the world down for short term gains. See the picture above.
If you can tell me you believe that fossil-fuel executives, having looked at this picture, think “oh man we really should’ve been listening to scientists for the past half century”, then I can show you a liar.
Damn, that’s super disappointing to hear. I haven’t loved any of the new hulu revival since it’s all felt a bit soulless to me, and I haven’t watched the latest 4 episodes. But finales were always a strong suit of the series. Hearing lifeless as the description definitely doesn’t make it sound like something I want :(