Sorry, best we can do is massive, expensive pseudo-luxury SUVs
Sorry, best we can do is massive, expensive pseudo-luxury SUVs
I feel like every company now is just trying to stick “AI” into things every way they can
They are. Investors are dumb as shit and throw money at whatever the current buzzword is. A couple years ago they were falling over themselves to invest in anything that mentioned “blockchain”, now it’s AI
Asahi is the distro for Apple Silicon, not Alpine.
I don’t know about BSD specifically but the current release is still Unix 03 compliant and it’s still built on top of Darwin
The MGS1-3 remasters are god awful (and somehow worse than the HD Collection a decade or so ago?)
Konami has been clear from the beginning that the Master Collection is mostly just the HD Collection but on modern systems. It was always referred to by them as a rerelease and not a remaster. I think the announcement of Metal Gear Delta: Snake Eater got people confused about the scope of the Master Collection.
Edit: From the initial press release when Konami announced the Master Collection: “The Metal Gear Solid: Master Collection allow fans to play the games as they were, as first released on the latest platforms.”
Target disk mode is fantastic, I’m thrilled to see this coming to Linux
There’s only so many people who can afford to spend $60,000+ on a car
Honestly, I prefer not to have power seats. It’s faster to adjust manual seats in my experience and there’s both fewer things to break and less weight.
They’re clickbait garbage.
Not OP but personally touch input feels much better implemented on 11 than any previous Windows
I still don’t understand the TPM 2.0 requirement. As far as I know there’s nothing that Windows 11 does by default that requires TPM, just optional features like BitLocker or Windows Hello
I honestly think that FireWire 400 had a better physical design for the connector. It was keyed more dramatically than some of the other connectors people are citing as being both keyed and easy to orient incorrectly. I personally never had issues plugging in FireWire 400 blind.
The GM plant near me currently does alternating 6 day and 5 day weeks, I’m not sure if that’s the same across all of their plants but there is already precedent within their system for inconsistent week lengths.
I’ve never seen that with the Apple website and I use Firefox as my main browser. Was there a specific page that was blocked or something?
This happens ahead of every Apple product launch. No one ever covers it except Apple focused sites.
Ok, who put Foucault in charge of Jurassic Park?
I’m glad Ars seems to have walked back its transphobia after the absolute shit-show that was its article about twitter screening a self identified fascist’s transphobic screed that somehow came down on the side of the fascist.
This looks amazing. I’ve been looking for a replacement for Delicious Library for a long time and this looks like exactly what I’ve been looking for.
Funny you mention green bubbles, Apple has said they would pull iMessage and FaceTime from the UK rather than add a backdoor. Signal and WhatsApp have also said they would leave the market rather than comply and Google has opposed the bill but I haven’t personally seen any reporting on if they said they’d pull services from the UK.
Somewhere Tony Schiavone got the urge to yell “It’s Sting!”