Trump – too dumb to know that water doesn’t flow uphill.
The fact that people still think he doesn’t know what he’s doing (or his advisers, anyway) is concerning. None of this is accidental, it is all about manipulation of the food supply and economy, and deliberately worsening living conditions for most people to make us even easier to exploit and oppress.
The idea that someone just stumbles their way in to a presidency is wild. It’s also ableist to blame his bigotry and oppressive actions on how intelligent you think he is, that has nothing to do with it.
So I’ll reiterate - the fact that anyone can still think that what’s happening is accidental or not thought out is frankly more than concerning, it’s scary.
These people are following a playbook, they’ve got their own playbook for fucks sake, and they will do as much damage as they fucking can deliberately and with forethought. Pretending otherwise because it’s easier to punch down and dismiss him as “dumb” than to confront the reality of things and punch up at a much bigger and scarier target is counterproductive.