is Trapper at his thiccest imo
is Trapper at his thiccest imo
East is sunrise. West is sunset. The sun will also always be slightly south and even more so in the winter (unless you’re in the southern hemisphere then it’s slightly north).
If your local area has some kind of landmark like a big tower, or a big lake, learn where that is relative to you and use it as a reference point. For me, I live near a big lake and it’s always south of me. It might be easier for you to ask yourself “which way is the lake?” instead of “which way is south?” or whatever your landmark and direction happen to be.
It’s not exactly “unrecognized” because it’s fairly popular, but From – yes, that’s the name, and yes, it makes it very difficult to search for.
It’s pretty highly rated, horror/mystery show. It’s a lot like Lost except more horror less mystery. It even stars Harold Perrineau who played Michael in Lost.
The concepts and monsters are very scary and/or creepy. It gives me a Dead by Daylight “The Entity” and “The Entity’s Realm” vibe if you’re familiar with the game.
https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9813792/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/From_(TV_series)#Reception
It matches for non-primes and doesn’t match for primes.
There are a lot of women that love fat guys. Ignoring the haters and wearing what you like is hot AF.
I’m gay, but if I were straight I would be with a fat guy over any other guy, 100%.
It actually kinda makes sense. Two sounds that a U commonly makes are “OO” like in “yule” and “UH” like in “just”. If you say “OO-UH” close enough together it makes the sound of a W.
Another thing that wasn’t mentioned in the video that Proton does is it also – sometimes, depending on the game – checks a list of known requirements for a game and installs them through winetricks, or makes other recommended changes to game files that are known to make the game work.
When Proton is updated and the patch notes mention that a game was fixed, it’s something to do with this part of the process. A certain library, or whatever was missing and Proton installs it for you behind the scenes.
It also runs WINE through Steam’s launcher (aka Steam Linux Runtime) which has some common redistributables (aka Steamworks SDK Redist) built right into it, and it also runs appropriate anti-cheat solutions (aka Proton EasyAntiCheat Runtime or Proton BattlEye Runtime).
Good luck getting open source maintainers that aren’t woke. We’re all queer down here!
That’s a handsome woman right there!
As a transgender woman, I have personally experienced that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) – which includes estrogen as well as testosterone blockers – slowed down my facial hair growth and thinned out of my facial hair. So testosterone levels play a small part in facial hair growth. However, I doubt that the levels within a cisgender male would vary enough to cause any significant changes.
It’s probably just that there’s a fair bit of hair growth that happens before the hairs reach the surface of your skin, like a millimeter or two. When you shave, it only has to grow back enough to pop out over the surface of the skin. If you were to pluck a hair with a pair of tweezers, it would take at least a couple of weeks to grow back. I have done exactly that many times, so at least for me that’s the time frame.
I think because “nukiuchi” would be pronounced like “NOO-KEE-OO-CHEE” and “nukitsuke” would be pronounced like “NOO-KEE-SOO-KEE” so kind of similar. I dunno though!
In the early 2000s I had just come out as a transgender woman and the world was much more hostile towards trans people back then. I was hanging out with some friends in Toronto at a New Years Eve party and I had to use the washroom sooo badly but there were like hundreds of people around the entrances. It was my first time ever using a public washroom as a woman, and it couldn’t have been more public.
I ended up chickening out and peeing in an alley later out of desperation. It sucked big time.
Katana’s are weak on the flat side. They aren’t really meant to be used for parrying. In fact, most sword fights in Japan would be over after the first or second swing. It was commonplace to hold the grip of a katana but not draw it in such a way so that your enemy has trouble judging how long your katana is and what is a safe distance to be from you. Once your opponent is in range, draw it quickly and kill them in one blow, ideally.
The act of killing your opponent in a single blow is called “nukitsuke” from “nukiuchi” meaning “to cut down an opponent” and “tsuke” meaning “to stop an opponent’s attack before it begins”.
The Sekiro and popular media image of extended katana fights didn’t really happen, but if they did, there would almost certainly be some broken katanas.
Wow, hey buddy, after looking through your comment history I see a long standing pattern of sarcasm, derision, and outright anger. If you’re not already doing so, you should strongly consider therapy for anger management.
Does it matter what their intentions are if the result is that they end up protecting employees too? They are being paid by the company too, and it’s their job to make sure the company follows legal practices to ensure the company doesn’t get sued. Of course they have an incentive to protect the company, but any trained and educated HR person knows that treating employees well is a great way to protect the company.
Does it always work out that way? No. Why? There are HR people who are bad at their jobs or intentionally malicious or unscrupulous, yes. There are also “HR departments” that are run by family members of an executive of the company and don’t have any idea what they’re doing.
All I’m saying is that HR departments, most of them, at least try to talk executives into doing the right thing, but at the end of the day HR doesn’t get to make the final decision.
If you’re mad at the HR department of your company for something, it almost certainly wasn’t their idea.
Or in very simple terms, don’t shoot the messenger.
I have no opinion on that because that’s not what we’re talking about. Usually companies that offer hourly rates rather than salaries don’t have an HR department, or the HR department is so far removed from those employees as to make no difference to them whether they’re there or not.
I’m not sure what you want me to say because it’s pretty much irrelevant to the situation I’m describing.
You’re making up straw man arguments and you obviously haven’t even read my post.
Also, I’m not HR.
I understand your point, although I disagree. I will say that my intentions were never that you (and everyone else) should be buddies with HR, or even trust them. But there’s a huge difference between being friendly but at a distance and being actively hostile.
You get paid by the company. The company not closing down benefits you. Also, your performance should (in most cases) lead to raises to your salary.
Thanks, but they’re actually both accepted spellings.
https://www.grammarly.com/blog/comradery/ https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/comradery