Mamms effect was (unfortunately) never released
Mamms effect was (unfortunately) never released
I like to play a little game when the bus shows up: 5 minutes early or 10 minutes late?
Gotta wait a sec for Niko to put on his seat belt
I had to read E.M. twice because at first my brain translated it as Entitled Mother (which doesn’t seem too far off)
I’ll believe it when I see it
I wasnt able to upgrade to fiber internet until about 2017
I recently had to reinstall windows on a coworker’s laptop because it wouldn’t boot (hard drive is probably failing). I couldn’t even format the drive because bitlocker was bit locking and the only way to turn it off is through the control panel (again, PC would not boot). I ended up having to delete the entire partition so I could reformat and install.
What’s Trump’s stance on Israel?
Is that the timed mission where they posted up enemies everywhere with rocket launchers along the normal route? That mission ended my last attempt at a playthrough, still never finished GTA3
That’s a shame, I prefer my burgers served on a snow shovel
Here in the US it’s Ginger Ale
Fun fact: PLU’s (Product Lookup Units) are searchable on Google, though it’ll look like you’re just on your phone while at the register
Last I heard the Game of Thrones guys were adapting it into a series but I don’t think it’s out yet.
I wish it was 50/50. A lot of the time it wouldn’t plug in so I flipped it. Still didn’t work so I flipped it back to the original orientation and it magically plugs in.
Keep it up! A lot of people in music school struggle with Theory as well so doing it on your own and succeeding is quite the achievement.
When I visited Japan every seat on transit was fabric. Coming from SEPTA in Philly it truly skeeved me out
I recently had a tour of the Redmond campus. They have multiple geothermal wells for power as well as an air conditioning system that uses almost no energy, it was pretty neat.