I think if you wait long enough he will kinda “grow out of it” if it can describe the process correctly. Just once in a while tell him about his wrong doings if he has them
I mean that’s what friends are for right?
I think if you wait long enough he will kinda “grow out of it” if it can describe the process correctly. Just once in a while tell him about his wrong doings if he has them
I mean that’s what friends are for right?
This just made me realize.
Fuck you and thank you for it
Don’t they have russians and the french as well?
I just take up calls I want to take Checkmate
I think you’ve got him in your irresistible romantic grip now
Game theory proofed the kfconsole could be great if it was real
There’s nothing funny about that cylindrical object Why am I laughing
6 would be so funny Ever drank to much and wasted yourself to the point where you are unconscious? Your friends won’t know You just stand up like nothing happened So 1 and 6 obvious call
Our local supermarket is the ultimate air conditioner paradise on a 28°C+ day
I’m still wondering what blue tastes like
It’s still usable
I just kind of settled with Pop but something broke miserably and now in sitting on KDE Neon
I could believe that someone just painted it just for fun
Remember that Behind every impossible or weird building There is a struggling and almost dying engineer trying to make it possible
Honestly would pick Ty Lee If it wouldn’t word Mrs Incredible or Chel
About a 9 to 10 I would guess