Not necessarily.
There can be knock off versions of many expensive looking things.
Not necessarily.
There can be knock off versions of many expensive looking things.
Someone needs to paint some eyes in the pocket flaps and post it as a meme on the police website to just rub it in how fucking off they are on something so obvious.
it doesn’t come in 8 colors. I feel bad for the idiots who upvoted you and believed that was even possible.
Dude has a hoody with a flap jacket staying in a hostel. At best he’s a vfx artist and has 5 of the same color.
I don’t think lighting makes a light grey backpack into black. That’s a bit of a stretch. Especially considering the jacket on the left have no chest pockets. The one on the right has massive pocket flaps like they are the main character.
When people have different jackets and backpacks it not just to have the same jacket in different color. It’s to have a heavier jacket or different sized backpacks.
Also hostel guy eye look more wide set and his brow is more pronounced. Bridge of nose looks wider and deeper too.
Agreed. there are enough games to keep everyone satisfied that we can all wait for these games to be properly made before releasing it.
There are behaviours pets do to express sorrow. If their friend or owner dies, they will respond. they don’t just walk it off. If they are experiencing pain, they will attempt to alert with a change in behaviour.
It doesn’t require magical tricks like an animal speaking to you. just have some basic observance skills what with living with said pet and experiencing their average behaviour compared to sudden behaviour changes.
Right,… how dare other animals experience hunger, fear, anger. Only humans have the soul to own the full cannon of feelings. Apathy engaged!
It would be a white guy in the 1980s. “Yeah the world isn’t that terrible”
Dudes don’t even have to think twice walking to their car at night.
A lot of conservatives want to simplify life because they have a simple mind.
Yes, they do this already within gendered sports (different weights to compete) so just remove the gender side of it.
Because the image of snow cannot be found
Considering how much meat is required to keep a lion fed per day, part of me thinks feeding it to lions would be sensible but on the other side it depends on making sure the meat is cleaned and that the animal that died didn’t die of a cause that would cause internal damage to the lion. Lions on the Serengeti feed on freshly caught food so their catch is usually pretty clean.
Anyone would say that about their own party not meeting every single wish within a 4 yr run.
It’s like hiring an accountant to undo what another accountant did within one season.
It’s weird how Americans don’t really understand their own system.
The new cars have been coming out with voice commands also so you don’t have to look at the screen while driving. They even have a tactile button for it on the wheel.
‘It’s just a joke’ yup, that’s been said by sexual predators before too.
I don’t care about
I’ve told 3 coworkers already that I don’t talk to them
Ok so now you’re adding more information here. 3 people. this sounds less about just having some standards and more of a pattern emerging here.
What you are describing is more in line with how an APD thinks and behaves and not just a mere introvert trait.
The introversion trait isn’t attached to aversion. It’s based on personal need. No one trait needs to be rude and throw all politeness out the window. That’s bigger than a mere trait. People with introvert trait (without comorbidity) can actually talk to people and have a social ability even at work and they do not shy away from socializing full stop. They take periodic breaks based on need.
they feel offended
Again: that’s predictive.
Something doesn’t compute here. Unless you’ve misplaced yourself into a customer based industry and you’re just not a people person: Having a mere trait doesn’t end up with a collection of people aggressive at work. Nor would it be so attached to aversion and delivering hostile narrative on what other people must be thinking.
There is a proper way to break a conversation without having to be abrupt about not wanting to talk. Simply having a trait doesn’t rule over basic common decency.
You sound like you have something else going on aside from just the introvert trait.
Op didn’t say they were attracted to them. You know this.
You gave advice as a way to creep someone out as an alternative solution to being left alone. That is using sexual harassment as a mode of operation.
you should also crack them and smear them all over the wall for maximum effect.