Wow! acronym soup. I understand almost none of that.
Wow! acronym soup. I understand almost none of that.
BTW - thanks for Mistral. Another tool in the box!
Quite right!
You need to take it all (AI or internet searches) with a huge pinch of salt. Even ye olde text books were not infallible and often out of date, so sodium chloride was also required even then.
The code either works or it doesn’t - it’s all in the testing. If you deploy AI suggestions without thought you deserve the consequences.
so just use chatgpt or gemini - pretty sure they sucked in all of reddit to form their KB
I followed up on github as you suggested and a very nice young man took a look at it and said that the code already does work the right way (at least the way I and their little poll think it should work). But, it turns out that the fix (from 2021) has not been deployed - it’s to be in the next release.
So I don’t know what will happen now - I’ll continue to use my workaround, so I’m happy enough.
So he’s a journalist </s> Thanks for the warning, saved me a read.
It might be more expected for you but I’m going to differ.
for an article (or a link to a image), it takes you there instead.
… and then you can’t get to the discussion.
The RSS-2.0 definition of <link> is
The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the channel.
so clearly, it should point to the lemmy post. No other RSS feed that I know of has this problem.
Fortunately, emacs can flex around this, but duh! Where can I raise a bug report?
Another approach entirely is to use pam_mount(8) which can automatically mount a disc on login. I use it to mount /home/$USER (obviously this couldn’t be used to mount the root fs !!)
virt-manager for the win!
“64-128mb ram” is hardly “low memory”!
You can’t avoid IBM/RedHat - they contribute to the kernel and many, many other parts of Linux eg systemd. I have no idea what you mean by DIY distros, what a peculiar adjective in this context. Linux itself is DIY. Life is DIY.
That said, voidlinux is an independent distro without systemd or snaps based on runit for init and xbps for package management. It’s also a STABLE rolling release.
waybar is good
scrcpy for android connectivity; syncthing to get files to and fro android (and any other linux system)
clipman for clipboard manager
wallpaper - whatever for? with a TWM you rarely see the background
emacs - because it’s life (I jest)
Can’t believe no-one mentioned voidlinux yet. It’s very tasty.
Link for the video?
As a general rule of thumb, I’ve been told that anything less than a 50% performance boost is hardly noticeable.
I’ve also heard (but ready to stand corrected) that mitigation costs only about 10% CPU (depending on the CPU).
I don’t get out of bed for a 10% performance boost.
I’ve been using a Dell XPS L502X with fedora since it was delivered 10/8/2011. No real problems, but I recently moved to voidlinux and almost doubled my battery life. Dell put quite a lot of time into supporting linux.
I’ve just bounced into voidlinux and I’m very impressed by how complete* it is and how snappy. So that’s not a very objective measure, but my (old) battery life has jumped from 1.5h on fedora-38 to 2h+ under void (very similar workload). I think that’s an indication of how light-on the hardware the OS is - perhaps it’s because it’s not running systemd. If you’re looking to squeeze more out of your hardware, take a look at void!
* the only thing missing from my manifest is mythtv - firefox, libreoffice, emacs syncthing etc and it’s all the latest
Rock solid on my 11-yo laptop that has been running fedora and updated every 6 months since I bought it in 2012.
I’ve always updated late in the fedora cycle - maybe that’s the go.
gtklock for sway/wayland
I’ve been saying this for 30+ years, but no-one wanted to listen.