And do what exactly? Having militaries intervene on political processes doesn’t have the best history of turning out well.
And do what exactly? Having militaries intervene on political processes doesn’t have the best history of turning out well.
China ranks second in the world in human population, too.
Unless I misinterpreted your argument, it seemed like you were justifying this practice based on the fact that other animals besides us inflict pain and suffering on other animals. If that is the core argument, then to be logically consistent, you’d have to also be ok with us doing everything else I mentioned.
Animals also rape each other (and sometimes other species), kill the children of other fathers, urinate and shit wherever they want… To be logically consistent, you’re also arguing that all of those things are fine for us to do too.
I remember wanting to be a forum mod when I was like 15 and thought that it would make me cool on the forum. As a grown adult… no way. I am so busy between work, grad school, and my personal life, I have no time for such silliness. I have a lot of respect for mods that donate their own time to run communities.
What’ve persimmons got to do with it though?
I have the ADHD and unless it’s a mindless task, I can’t listen to music or it makes it much harder for me to concentrate. For anyone else with the disorder, I’d encourage you to at least give it a shot working WITHOUT music and see if it improves your concentration.
AI-generated articles, books, coloring books for example, are all a thing now. Behind the Bastards did a podcast episode on the latter two.
Remote workers are overall more productive, report a better work-life balance, and suffer less from occupational burnout. It also saves companies money because they don’t have to spend as much on office space.
My time is the most precious commodity I have. Unfortunately I’m in a career where I can’t work remotely, but if I was I would refuse to go back to the office. Life is too precious to waste it sitting in traffic if you don’t have to.
I hate shaving and I think it’s a waste of time. I think facial hair can also act to make your appearance more visually interesting if you prefer to keep your hair cut really short like I do.
Seeing a lot of my dad’s friends starting to drop off has hit me and made me prize my own relationships more. Every day is a choice you make for what you prioritize.
I’m in my 30s and one of the big things I’ve noticed recently is that hangovers are way worse than they were in my 20s. I think I’ve noticed it especially because I quit drinking for about 4 years or so and when I came back to it I noticed it seemed much worse than my early 20s. These days I’ll have like 3 or 4 beers and start feeling hung over before I even go to bed. On the plus side it has really helped me moderate my drinking, cuz I sure don’t feel like feeling like shit before I’m even done drinking and for most of the next day!
Most of the other stuff I hear (“Your metabolism slows way down!!!” “Your body starts falling apart!!!”) seems to me to be mostly because people stop exercising and eat like shit. You do slow down but taking care of your body can really reduce the losses. I’m a cyclist and ride with guys in their 60s who are probably fitter than a lot of 20 and 30 year olds that I work with.
For any new parents out there, current recommendation from the American Academy of Pediatrics is basically don’t give children under 2 years old any solo digital media time. Meaning no tablet babysitter when you’re cooking, driving etc.
Stasis was in the first game, yes. You were required to use it several times to be able to pass through a few malfunctioning doors. You get it for free early in the game and don’t have to upgrade it at all to open the doors, preventing the game from soft locking itself.
From what I can tell, a lot of jobs are already like that. It’s almost like society isn’t designed to make people happy 😑
There also isn’t any guarantee that a quality game will actually sell well, especially if the dev takes a risk and creates something new instead of releasing the 14th installment in a well-established series. It sucks but this is what it looks like when you have gigantic businesses steering video game development.
The actual signs exist (get yourself a planisphere or a stargazing app, find some dark skies, and discover them for yourself!), it’s just all the magic personality nonsense associated with them is bullshit.
I agree with you. Imagine a country starts rounding up and murdering some ethnic/religious minority. Doctors shouldn’t be like “ahh we must help the government kill them in the most humane way possible!” If anything that’s enabling it.
Partway through the article:
Smith was convicted in the 1988 murder of Elizabeth Sennett. Sennett’s husband, a pastor, allegedly paid Smith and another man $1,000 each to kill her.
A jury voted 11-1 to sentence Smith to life in prison, but the judge overseeing the case overrode that decision and sentenced him to death. That practice, called judicial override, has since been eliminated in all 50 US states.
Some of Sennett’s relatives attended the execution and told reporters they had forgiven Smith.
“Nothing that happened here today is going to bring Mom back,” sais Mike Sennett, Elizabeth Sennett’s son. “It’s a bittersweet day, we’re not going to be jumping around, hooping and hollering, hooraying and all that, that’s not us. We’re glad this day is over.”
I also have an Apple TV and like it a lot. It’s the only Apple device I use regularly, I’m definitely not an Apple fanboy, just heard that run well and there was a specific app they support that I wanted so I went with that. Only thing I dislike is the remote. God that touch pad thing is awful. My wife says she thinks it’s because my hands are big, but idk. But other than that, great experiences with it overall.