There’s a live graph of the abysmal filesystem performance now, that’s comedy gold :)
There’s a live graph of the abysmal filesystem performance now, that’s comedy gold :)
That one’s cooked though?
Honestly there too. I dual boot between windows and linux for some work stuff, and on windows I find myself thinking “how do people tolerate this shit?”. That’s often when deleting a large folder or uncompressing an archive :)
Smaller hitbox
Charcoal is very light, Anthracite has some heft, and it’s greasy to the touch.
Coal for heating at my grandma’s place yeah. In the southern US, you can also see trains filled with the stuff going west along I-40.
Some things are very wrong with lemmy when good content like this needs to get posted in memes …
Oh yeah I definitely mean kill that.
Instead of all that, just one thing. Start there and everything else will unfold from it: remove private corporate money from politics. All contributions to a politician or political party to be public and capped, per citizen.
It’s a little more than an idea, but yeah.
I pay for a premium account and I get more value out of it than Netflix or any other streaming service.
In my old condo you didn’t really put the trash bag in the dumpster. The raccoons were waiting on the dumpster and you’d hand the bag to them basically.
I still remember the bit where they had given a small piece of the blobby alien to that other one with the iron stomach. Gold.
And you’re telling me this is coming from the top? This is my surprised face.
DanDaDan on Netflix is bonkers.