IPA’s are like someone took the worst part of beer and made it the only part of the beer.
IPA’s are like someone took the worst part of beer and made it the only part of the beer.
This is how I feel about mobile games. Even the good mobile games will have some epically animated scene that shows all out war between a bunch of magical badasses with explosions and all kinds of epic shit.
Then the gameplay is some low effort turn based game where the characters barely move and the attack effects are pathetic light shows.
ITT Europeans once again acting like American politics don’t affect them in any way.
Anyone else think it’s funny that Britain got Boris around the same time America got trump?
I’m my experience it’ll just hang up
What’s mildly infuriating to me is that not everyone has that little voice.
And honestly that fact scares the shit out of me
Bro imagine having the balls to give someone shit about taste while drinking your own piss
It also doesn’t help that you have meme texts that people will drop and derail the entire point.
“Long detailed documentation meant to generate intellectual conversation”
“Generate deez nuts 😂😂🤣🤣🤣😭😭”
Fuck this is actually funny
I train in swordfighting. It’s good exercise and trains hand eye coordination as well as good balance.
The funniest part is it’s actually helped me a lot in my day to day because I know how to move my body
You can look at civilization throughout history and see that the ones that lasted the longest cared about the individual rights of every citizen. When you allow a certain class to violate individual rights you end in revolution.
Money has too much power
It’s productive in the sense of raising awareness. Everytime someone burns a book or a flag it sends a clear message and the outrage is usually part of the message.
The message is “I don’t care about your culture, your culture does not define me and I refuse to adhere to it” which is perfectly understandable when said culture is trying to force change in areas where people don’t want that change.
Honestly this is the answer.
The list of communities I’ve blocked on lemmy is multiple pages long. Not so bad with specific users but I don’t really pay attention to them.
You see a community or profile you don’t like? Blocked. Simple as
So the national terrorist threat level rose because a guy burned a fairy tale book.
Yeah I think that accurately sums up why he burnt it to begin with.
Religion shouldn’t have this much power.
I mean I agree. Personally I hate kids. But I’m not trying to get rid of them or anything like that I just avoid them as much as possible
One thing I will say about lemmy is y’all take shit way too seriously. It’s a meme. A relatable one at that. Getting annoyed by children is normal and it’s not like anyone’s actively trying to get rid of your kids.
But as your father it’s your responsibility to limit her screen time. TikTok brain isn’t “coming for your kids” you’re enabling it.
People act like taking away Internet is abuse and it’s weird
I mean yeah we’ve known this for a while now but the phrasing makes it sound deliberately panic inducing
Nothing will compare to the days of limewire where you waited two days to download a file just to find out it was mislabeled
I’ve blocked every Linux community I can find and I still can’t get away from it