Get rid of uplay. I might buy ubisoft games if they weren’t tied to that horrible service
Get rid of uplay. I might buy ubisoft games if they weren’t tied to that horrible service
Worthabuy gives no quarter. He can get a little too political for me sometimes but man are his rants good.
Hey 600 loc is way more than I’ve ever done in a day Then again I washed out of the industry 🙆♀️
Fuckin hell im thankful my parents are cool. I need to do something nice for them
Use fzf to complete commands, use cmd line helpers like ‘tldr’
I unfriended soneone I knew because she posted ecard cringe too often.
BAR 4 leif
I wait until it starts getting noticable. Then I spend an hour cleaning - prioritizing the stuff that I’d be most embarrassed for a guest to see. After an hour the house is usually back below noticable levels of dirty. It’s never pristine but at least I have a facade of being a functional adult.
I already swore off nvidia. My 2080 has been the biggest pain in the ass
Holy crap Todd is so mini!
Gassing this and that
The sad thing I cant do anything more to hurt funko as I’ve never bought their stupid little dolls
Sounds like a fun project