If I don’t fold my laundry fast enough it will default to cat bed pretty quickly.
If I don’t fold my laundry fast enough it will default to cat bed pretty quickly.
They are asking because kids are kids no matter where you live. If we use the same word for the dish as Italians, it stands to reason that children who are still learning would have the same issue regardless of location.
It could be the cheapest EV on the planet and I still wouldn’t buy from Tesla.
But the government doesn’t regulate capitalism, they are owned by the capitalists. So many laws exist because corporations paid for them to, moreso in recent years but it was still bad 50+ years ago, just look at how successful the tobacco industry is.
Then this wasn’t intended for you.
So because the generations before them made the wrong choice, they have as well?
If my kids live with my my whole life I am A-OK with that.
If it makes you feel any better, the rent was going to skyrocket regardless of the loan forgiveness. That’s just the generations before us people trying to make sure they get to the top so they can pull the ladder up behind them.
We have no loan forgiveness here in Canada and rent is still going up faster than anyone can afford. It doesn’t help that all of the politicians are landlords.
I don’t mean to put myself in the place of anything - I just meant that the better course of action is to find improvement rather than fault. It’s a situation where being able to put the blame on something does nothing to improve the situation. We’re lonely because there are too many people is all.
There’s a lot of people at fault for things in my life and if I worried about blaming them, I wouldn’t have had the time to get educated and grow as a human so that I could move past the things they are at fault, I was just trying to broaden that idea into something more general.
I am sorry you had to experience that, but it is very insightful and aware to know that your trauma would affect the perception. Most would gloss over that.
Not saying this about you specifically ( I don’t know if you have things about you that you don’t like), but people who have things they don’t like about themselves also have a tendency to see criticism and insults about that particular thing where there are none. Like I used to be really over weight, so anytime anyone made jokes about something being large or about pigs or cows, I would internalize that and assume it was about my fatness because I hated that about myself.
Maybe I am, I really wouldn’t know (my husband would though). If I am I would deal with it iand improve myself nstead of blaming it on others.
If you are referring to yourself as an incel then there is likely a regressive mindset that goes with it. Most people just call themselves single. Sexual status is a construct, whether it be virgin or “promiscuous”. Unlikable men choose incel so that they can blame their lack of sex on the people not giving it to them.
Where did I call anyone an incel?
In my experience people aren’t calling lonely men incels, they’re calling men who are wholly unlikable who blame their loneliness and lack of sex on other people incels.
Sorry, I did miss the point. I’ve literally never seen it happen the way you describe it.
If you don’t want to be called an incel, don’t blame your loneliness and lack of sex on anyone else. Everyone is lonely, it’s nobody’s fault unless you want to blame society as a whole which will get you nowhere. Continue to grow as a human and don’t stop trying to find new avenues of reaching out to others.
And most importantly, never expect someone to like you in any way, no one is obligated to you.
That’s what I said! 😆
The explosion can only be delayed, but never avoided.
There is a community called SuperbOwl, it is amazing. One of the owls that got posted today or yesterday reminds me of my fat, grey stripe cat.
I truly wish there was someone who could properly diagnose me. I did take a RAADS test a while back but I didn’t have a psychiatrist to bring my results to, so I go undiagnosed and likely will forever with the current health crisis. I don’t know if I can go on something like that without a proper diagnosis. I can’t even find a family doctor unfortunately.
But I appreciate the tip 😊 thank you.
The Offspring. Americana, Stuff is Messed up, the Kids Aren’t Alright…