take a look at bazzite perhaps?
take a look at bazzite perhaps?
any game that needs to install a rootkit on my computer to play it was never going on my computer anyway. Proton can more or less handle every else on linux at this point. Hardware driver support is getting quite mature too. 2025 is legitimately the year of the linux gaming desktop imo.
As well as hating black people he also hated Slavs too and laid the foundations for anti-soviet US foreign policy
that’s fine, I wasn’t planning on using that 20% of my CPU cycles anyway. And take all the RAM you need on the way out, I was actually saving it for you. thank you sir windows
Nah they are doing like A Modest Proposal satire thing, that’s funny. Guilty liberals just don’t want to hear it and assuage that guilt by making the UN not joke about it at brunch. That’s basically as good as actually feeding people.
it’s fun to play with. my ADHD brain likes the texture
wrong. a cast vote for candidate 3 is not a lost vote for candidate B. Furthermore variable b decreasing doesn’t increase the total of variable t so no you can’t “rewrite” it like that with magic math. This is how it works, it’s actually very simple:
candidate T gets t votes
candidate B gets b votes
candidate X gets x votes
artists aren’t excused from technological proletarianization. Yes it hurts, you are going to get the value of your labor stolen by Disney and you will have to work in AI prompt generator mines. Billions of artisans, peasants and petty bourgeois in history have suffered the same indignity of being forced into wage labor. The bourgeoisie strips of its halo every occupation hitherto honoured and looked up to with reverent awe. It has converted the physician, the lawyer, the priest, the writer, the scientist, into its paid wage labourers. Now it is the artist’s turn. All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and humans are compelled to face with sober senses their real conditions of life, and their relations with their kind. So do not expect the bourgeoisie or their governments to provide you or or your occupation with special protections, they don’t care, they exist to make profit and they will crush you into dust as soon it’s profitable to do so.
The solution is and has always been class consciousness followed by proletarian revolution. If there is any upside to proletarianization it is that more people are introduced into the only revolutionary class. Put your artistic talents to use and create some agitprop, but don’t expect to be paid for it. Every reward we get has to be fought for.
“well if those kids are so smart surely they can do more with less right?”
-average conversation at an budgetary meeting for education, probably
Windows is actually fedware these days. (Fedware that also scams and aggrevates the feds themselves) if you post here you owe it to yourself to dump that hot garbage as soon as you can.