I won’t disagree with all of this. It just doesn’t seem fair to the guy or gal that truly earned their $23 an hour versus someone that just walks in the door and gets it. And, I can’t buy that people don’t have the time or money to better themselves. It’s a choice what you do with your time. Classes can be taken at night or part time. Trade schools and community colleges are NOT expensive and many trade schools are hurting for people and will train you for free, basically.
Yeah, my Beemer and big house was an exaggeration but the idea remains intact. Entry level, menial labor jobs were never designed to sustain families. They are first jobs that many of us had. The idea that they should overpay just doesn’t work for me.
What’s a little better though? They can improve their situation and then they’ll make more naturally. I’d rather see the solution come from that end. Why don’t high schools stop pushing overpriced college as the only valid option for students? Community college should be free for everyone. Let’s generate a more talented workforce. Maybe I’m too old but all of these burger joint and coffee shop jobs were never designed or intended to be one’s final career path.