But my state is the besttttt you can’t lump me in with the other 'Mericans nooooo
Im going to break a chunk off Jupiter and bring it into Earth’s orbit so we have a second moon!
Here 💆♂️💆♀️
Man, my brother and I were obsessed with the Neverhood back in the day. That game was so weirdly satisfying
Hah never thought I’d see that name on social media
You, Pinhead! I’M DIRTY DAN
I couldn’t agree with you more. I’m straight, and I love it when my wife does stuff to my booty
Eatin’ wormies out a pot that some wet ass pigeon
Truly a wholesome and inspiring post!
OP should crosspost this to wholesome!!
Can someone explain this?
No, four!!!
I actually drink something very similar (zero sugar) as well! Sio it in the morning, stay hydrated… the insomnia is something I’ve had since I was a kid, unsuccessfully treated. At least I don’t have to sleep as much as average people!
This brings me back! Aphex Twin will always be awesome. And super strange!
The music video for Windowlicker is a whole other kind of strange. Watch it.
Gotta love how you got downvoted for simply asking questions!
For shame, Lemmy. For shame!
Mads knows what’s up