I support the thin bean line.
I support the thin bean line.
My mom kept asking me how I couldn’t believe in (her) God.
I presented her with a massive list of Gods (excluding hers)… Of the 200 Gods on the list, I asked her which ones she believed in.
She said, none.
I said, “You don’t believe in 200 Gods… I don’t believe in 201 Gods… See we’re closer to agreement than you thought.”
And that was the last time we talked about it.
Seeing the Sega-CD with a retail price of $49.99 hurt my soul.
I bought mine on release day and specifically remember selling my entire pewter figure collection and just barely having the $311.99 (after taxes) for my Sega-CD at “Best”… Not “Best Buy”… Just “Best”.
Still don’t regret it.
B-E-A-N-S… Beans.