I see this rhetoric a lot and I really dislike it and find it actively harmful to people with ADHD.
ADHD, at least mine, would absolutely still be a mental illness outside of modern society. My doesn’t care if I’m remembering where I put down my phone or where I put down my sandwich, I still misplace them either way. At work being without my medication makes it difficult to keep track of my responsibilities. At home it makes it difficult to keep track of doing laundry, washing dishes, cleaning the house. You don’t suddenly lose all responsibilities and idle tasks without a modern society, your responsibilities and tasks just become different. And my ADHD couldn’t give two shits what those responsibilities and idle tasks are, I’m going to struggle with them either way without medication.
Dismissing ADHD as not a mental illness but a symptom of modern society is not only incorrect at it’s most basic level, it also implies that people like me could be “normal” IF “x, y, or z” conditions were met. That idea is just blatantly untrue and just perpetuates the dismissive and uncompromising stance that many people take towards individuals with ADHD.
You sound like you’ve already closed your mind to the discussion, but in case you’re actually still willing to healthily engage in the discussion here is a really good video about why calling people who utilize AI in their work “hacks and grifters” is a very narrow minded (and often factually incorrect) way of looking at AI utilization.
Wow holy shit I’m glad you went to the vet, urinary blockages are a life or death emergency. I’m a senior veterinary student and your description just screames blockage, but I was worried I was late to comment since your post is already a day old!
Yeah, part of it is that I’m in a medical field and still in school. Unfortunately my hours are going to get worse with internship/residency before they get better. Even still, 4x10-3 would never (honestly could never) happen in my field.
Congrats, you posted the first racist meme I’ve seen on lemmy.
What job do you have that 4x10-3 would be a reasonable option? Coming from someone who works 5x6a-6p (though this week it’s been more like 6a-8p) those hours seem like a fairytale.
You just use toilet paper to dry
I usually just catch up on sleep and chores. Maybe play some videogames if I have time leftover.
Technically they’re just over the 5000 monthly listeners limit (6955), but Xanthochroid is still relatively unknown and my favorite band of all time, so I can’t not share them.
People keep making these memes, yet I keep seeing plenty of vitriol in the comments
God damn that’s the first loss meme in years that’s actually made me laugh
That depends a lot on what your degree is and how well you sell it’s relevance pst graduation.
I worked 82 out of the last 93 days. I’m exhausted.
“Thanks to denial, I’m immortal!”
Wow. Those are some truly bad takes.
Are you really trying to say The Shawshank Redemption and Forest Gump are just “meh”?
As a veterinary student, I’d say you really can’t trust anything from pet store employees regardless of species. As part of our nutrition rotation we go to pet stores and pretend to be new first time dog owners and ask for recommendations on food. The “advice” I’ve heard has been horrifying at times.
Definitely not, I played GoW 2018 first. I loved it so much that I went back and played every other previous GoW before GoW Ragnarok came out. The others are very different (but still very fun) games, and it definitely makes you appreciate Kratos’ story better, but they are by no means essential.