But it’s fine if I cost an app dev their time and instances money and give nothing to no one? Genuine question because I don’t understand all the sync hate.
But it’s fine if I cost an app dev their time and instances money and give nothing to no one? Genuine question because I don’t understand all the sync hate.
I personally stopped browsing Reddit once getting sync. It just FEELS right.
What’s bananas about $3/mo and 17/yr? Hell I pay 12 bucks a year for unlimited email aliases from Firefox 😂
As long time sync user I’m very disappointed I didn’t see the remove ads button before I went and signed up for ultra. Wish I could still buy the permanent ad free while being an ultra subscriber. I tie my ultra to my Google play balance and depends on how much opinion rewards decides to give me at any given time.
Lol she actually wants to go watch the movie about child trafficking. Personally I want to drive 3 hours to watch Oppenheimer on 70mm because I didn’t know it was even a thing before this movie. Though all imax was created decently equal 😂
Same here. Loving that the new icon is black and the old one is white. Makes it easier to see I went to the “dark side” 😂
That my outlook on it. I bought the pro version in like 2013 for 4 or 5 bucks. Didn’t give him a penny again until ultra came out and I got the monthly on that for a grand total of like $20. I can see why it may be a turn off for new users but for me it’s just paying back what I already got from LJ.
What do I do if my woman does that though?
I think even the free tier allows for original quality but its been years since I was on it. You only get like 15 GB of space though as well.
Same here 😂 saw the Google replay link and clicked through “install” instantly then realized it was just a pre register 😂
Self hosted you could use Plex to automatically upload all photos to your computer then download as needed to the other one.
Personally I use Google photos to do this and it works great but will probably require you to get a subscription depending on the size of your library.
My personal phone is android with a work iPhone and I want to transfer things over sometimes so I set up my work phone to upload as well.
Personally I would use a password manager for at work as well. Bitwarden can generate 8 character passwords. Easy enough to remember and if you forget it’s right there on your phone.
Another vote for liftoff. Has been great for me since I installed it.
Thanks for letting me know. I still may try it see how it goes. Can always go back to factory. 🤷♂️
I know the feeling. I hate Netflix with a passion but my SO uses it. I have a Plex server full of stuff and constantly adding and showed her how. I cancel Netflix every month though 😂 can usually make it a day or 2 passed when it was supposed to renew before she uses it again and resubscribes.
Count me in on the group. Have been a family subscriber for awhile. Daughter is 7 and autistic so when an ad pops up she always installs the games then they are horrible and piss her off or she wants me to spend money on it because they force it down your throat. Easier to just give Google some money and not have to deal with it.
Maybe. But in that case they would be exempt at a normal pump as well. Gas station by my house accept tax exempt transactions for the cemetery my family maintains.
Thank you for testing and letting me know. I really appreciate it. I’ve want to degoogle myself more than I already am but everything is just so much easier through Google 😂
Still pay taxes even by the tanker. Can still get a lower price but fuel taxes are fuel taxes doesn’t really matter how you buy it.
Yup and there was generally a way around it even though most often it involved rooting the phone or using USB passthrough.