Actually I’m referring to the cloud seeding they’ve been doing. But yes, I do indeed condemn all of our endless growth fetishes. We’ve fucked the planet beyond comprehension.
Actually I’m referring to the cloud seeding they’ve been doing. But yes, I do indeed condemn all of our endless growth fetishes. We’ve fucked the planet beyond comprehension.
Marques is right. I’m sorry, for $700 goddamn dollars I refuse to be some random startup’s R&D. I can’t wait for the DiSrUpToR model to die a painful death.
And to all the people crying because MKBHD was mean, I say: STFU. I watch him for his integrity. Your product is bad and you should feel bad.
That cat is so Grindr-ready
Well well. If it isn’t the consequences of their own actions
E: love to see the downvotes. They tried their hands at cloud seeding and they’re reaping what they literally sowed. But go off I guess.
EE: See below.
Our cat lays in the shoe rack itself, presumably for maximum funk
Cleaning the flat top was like the only satisfying part of working in a kitchen.
Ok this got a nose puff out of me
There’s no “algorithm” per se, so you can actually discover new things in your feed, rather than just being fed what they think will keep you scrolling.
Also, you can use whatever app you like (I like Sync personally, but that’s because it was my client of choice for Reddit) instead of using their RSS reader stapled to a Wish.com TikTok clone.
single prayer health care
That’s the problem, we need more prayers! My new favorite typo
33 year old in Buck’s County, PA. He filmed a 15 minute YouTube video holding his father’s severed head. The Advocate is the only source I’ve seen so far, sorry. But I have seen the YT video and it’s beyond fucked.
That’s not a burrito, that’s a clutch purse. Learn how to roll a burrito.
Why bother putting in the effort of developing and testing an app for a totally new platform that Tim Apple and 3 other people will use?
My brain immediately went to “OP is trying to trigger the trypophobics.”
My first thought as well. Like, Armenian genocide says what?
That subhead really exemplifies why punctuation is important. Holy hell.
I’ve been encountering fewer and fewer of those that still work lately. Most IVR systems I’ve interacted with just disconnect you if they can’t understand your input.
Well don’t get all amped up about it; you’ve gotta stay grounded.
I downloaded my first porn from Kazaa, over dial-up.
It was true at one point, but has since changed. The systems are totally air-gapped and worked 100% of the time, so there was never a reason to change them.
Also true: Boeing still uses floppies to update their 747s.
I stand corrected.
NB: I see what you’re doing for Lemmy and I sincerely appreciate it.