• 4 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023

  • Ditched Windows late last year and jump to Linux as my main driver. I’ve had Linux servers for years but it is completely different when it’s your main driver.

    I mainly play games and from the over 100 games that I tried to play only 2 had issues and I was unable to get them working (BattleField 4 and FaF Forever).

    Honestly Wine and subsequently Proton is the true game changer when it comes to games BUT I’m on an all AMD hardware and had 0 issues with driver stability, however a friend of mine on an Intel/nVidia has had a couple of issues which were eventually resolved but took a bit of wait for fixes and updates.

  • I would recommend something just outside your area but with a lot of fun movement mechanics.

    Warframe It’s an online/instanced 3rd person shoot em up but the movement is the best out there. PvE focused but there are PvP elements too. Very good and long progression but it is grindy.

    Titanfall 2 The campaign is single player but one of the best told stories. The movement is just behind Warframe. The online multiplayer is absolutely epic as you get to take out Titans and also call down your own. However, there is quite a lot of cheaters unfortunately which may spoil your experience.

    Closer to your request.

    Orcs Must Die Fun tower defence with traps and 3rd person action.

    Deep Rock Galactic Mining space dwarfs and beer. That is all you need to know.

    Gunfire Reborn Roguelike FPS with lota of characters and abilities. The aim is to kill the final boss and then try to do it faster and faster.

    Got more if you want to know more, but that will be a very good start.

  • After contemplating for 3-4 years about switching my main rig to Linux, I did it on Friday just gone.

    Note for the below, I have a full AMD system.

    • I went with Garuda Dragonized distro as it is gaming focused and has all the game related stuff included.
    • took me less than 30mins going from gaming on Win11 to Linux, but I did the research before.
    • there are a few tweaks if you use Steam but you have Lutris to help you.
    • of the 35 ish games installed, all of them work without issues, but they need updating once you enable compatibility to Proton.
    • the default theme is too flashy but you can select to bring it down a few notches


    • if you have secondary SSD or HDD, dedicated to games or files like I did, it is advisable to have them backed up to an external drive as you will need to re-partition them from NTFS to use them properly in Linux
    • with Garuda Dragonized Gaming, all drivers are installed but follow the Wizard at the beginning and check all that apply to you. It will save you time.

    Good luck and looking forward to having you on Linux!