Rimworld the game that I have over 500 hours and still dont know how to play it but I love it. I heard that the minimum amount of hours to get the game is about 1000 (/s).
Rimworld the game that I have over 500 hours and still dont know how to play it but I love it. I heard that the minimum amount of hours to get the game is about 1000 (/s).
I am with you. On my first try I died early on and then I hit YouTube for a couple of lets plays. If you are interested, they are Big Brain Energy and Francis John
I am currently playing my first save on vanilla with a few QoL mods but looking at the mods list there is a lot more amazing content to be had. I think I am going to enjoy this game for sometime.
Thank you very much for such a detailed list. I had a look through all of them and X series is something that I am very fond of.
However, I have added Transcendence and Nebulous Fleet Command on my next to play list.
I’m with you, I got a lot of hours in it but still come back every few months for a new map.
But although I’ve done mega bases, deathworld, Bobs and Space Exploration, I don’t want to do them again even though I thoroughly enjoyed them.
My love is the early game and up to launching a rocket. Anyone with me on this?
Saw couple of friends playing it and thought to give it a try… But oh boy… 45 hours in less than 2 weeks.
Send someone can say that I’m enjoying it.
Bought the game when it came to Steam a couple of years back and put 100 or so hours and uninstalled it feeling that it needs way more content.
Re-installed last week just because without reading the latest update news and boy oh boy was I genuinely surprised to see the combat and new QoS stuff been added. Highly recommend to anyone that has enjoyed Factories and/satisfactory. The build is somewhere in between both.
I would recommend something just outside your area but with a lot of fun movement mechanics.
Warframe It’s an online/instanced 3rd person shoot em up but the movement is the best out there. PvE focused but there are PvP elements too. Very good and long progression but it is grindy.
Titanfall 2 The campaign is single player but one of the best told stories. The movement is just behind Warframe. The online multiplayer is absolutely epic as you get to take out Titans and also call down your own. However, there is quite a lot of cheaters unfortunately which may spoil your experience.
Closer to your request.
Orcs Must Die Fun tower defence with traps and 3rd person action.
Deep Rock Galactic Mining space dwarfs and beer. That is all you need to know.
Gunfire Reborn Roguelike FPS with lota of characters and abilities. The aim is to kill the final boss and then try to do it faster and faster.
Got more if you want to know more, but that will be a very good start.
That’s an amazing jump and congratulations on doing it.
After contemplating for 3-4 years about switching my main rig to Linux, I did it on Friday just gone.
Note for the below, I have a full AMD system.
Good luck and looking forward to having you on Linux!
So erm… I read your paragraph on Wondersong and thought, “that sounds amazing, I must get”. Go to the game page “this game is already in your library”… Fine fine, I’ll get on with my backlog.
I like the wishes of the creators saying they want to be used for good causes, but we all know the true case of these types of machines, military, which is exactly what gundam is.
As a rookie of 1300 hours, this game is by bar the best investment I’ve ever done in gaming.
Congratulations and now onto a deathworld run, after that I would say go for game changing mods such as space exploration and the like.
I finally got the time to sit and play on my car sim ( Assetto Corsa / competezione) after more than a year. For the first fewsessions, I forgot how to take corners but now I’m back into it and it is an amazing feeling when you nail a race from start to finish.
I will play the crap out of that as I love all three games mentioned.
In think you are looking for dash dash world on Steam.
I think that is inevitable, and we will see one in the best future.
For your #1 point, have you heard of Palia? It got released last month and it is a chill have where you gather and build your house. Additionally you can explore ruins to uncover your origins.
Thank you for your suggestion. I’ve looked at this and it is really very close to what I was thinking.
I bought it and I will play it this weekend.
Ditched Windows late last year and jump to Linux as my main driver. I’ve had Linux servers for years but it is completely different when it’s your main driver.
I mainly play games and from the over 100 games that I tried to play only 2 had issues and I was unable to get them working (BattleField 4 and FaF Forever).
Honestly Wine and subsequently Proton is the true game changer when it comes to games BUT I’m on an all AMD hardware and had 0 issues with driver stability, however a friend of mine on an Intel/nVidia has had a couple of issues which were eventually resolved but took a bit of wait for fixes and updates.