Since you’re in an apartment, I’m assuming letting them outside isn’t an option. Put them up for adoption if you’re that grossed out by a litter box.
Since you’re in an apartment, I’m assuming letting them outside isn’t an option. Put them up for adoption if you’re that grossed out by a litter box.
owo what’s this? lmao
It’s the infamous Pompmaker1!
Streisand effect. They keep deleting it. More people will help. Similarly, you telling people not to go on reddit, will make people go on reddit.
My black cat contorts herself like this as well.
Hell yeah! Well, it seems like they’ve toned down the lore. Well, story wise. Visually it seems like they’re going for some type of cohesion.
Wow. So they leeched their own users off instagram, didn’t keep their attention with its sterile environment causing usage to drop 20% after the first week, and now this? lmao
We’re one step closer to controlling the weather. That is, if you don’t believe we hadn’t already accomplished that with HAARP.
When a Takodachi sneaks a cookie without permission. lmao
Oh! That’s interesting. Thanks for clearing that up. :)
The All Feed shows you all communities from all instances. Whether you are subscribed to them or not.
The Local Feed shows you all communities from your instance. Whether you are subscribed to them or not.
The Home Feed shows you only communities you are subscribed to. This includes any communities you follow that are located in other instances.
Yeah, it probably isn’t the direction they’re headed anymore. I think the switch is the closest we will see to this sort of thing from Nintendo.
Their walled garden is sacrosanct to them, so any ‘apps’ would have to be through them. I know Nintendo isn’t thrilled by the idea of their systems or games ever getting out of their sphere. They’d have a tough time controlling that sort of thing with a device like I have theorized.
I think a Switch 2 would probably be like the OLED switch that they eventually released this generation. I believe fans made it pretty clear that they wouldn’t mind something more powerful and with higher resolution, at a bigger price from Nintendo.
If they focus some attention on upgrading their servers for online content, I’m sure they’d have a nice leg to stand on going forward.
New apps every week! lol
I wrote that years ago, but now, I think it probably isn’t the direction they would head.
The switch is probably the closest they’re going to come to a device like that. The switch is already a tablet with controller attachments. Nintendo mist know about people hacking the switch, and they can’t be happy about that. A smartphone form factor would probably appeal to that crowd, and that’s definitely something Nintendo wouldn’t want. So, I’m not sure if they’d go that route anymore.
I’ll eat mushrooms- I mean, cat noses, on pizza, but they aren’t a go to.
He greets us with his true form? lmao
I’m sorry your furry waifu isn’t included, King.