Isn’t Telegram a Facebook property?
Isn’t Telegram a Facebook property?
Exactly. All they have is nostalgia to sell. That is all most of these big corpos have anymore.
Good they rolled it back. Feels a bit like go for what you want and see how folks react, then have a plan for rolling it back.
I don’t think a ton of vehicles outside of Tesla have started using J3400. AFAIK those were all planned in upcoming model years, so this shouldn’t have any real impact on infrastructure outside Tesla. Plus superchargers are only open to a couple non-Tesla brands currently
I think there are a couple factors reducing that. In spots where it would be effective, the superchargers are busy. Lots of eyes, and often out in a very open lot. I also don’t know if they turned out to be a huge source of revenue when compared to car sales. Musk fired a lot of the Supercharger team and dropped some planned stations when NACS became a standard maintained by the SAE (now called J3400). That signals to me he lost interest and it wasn’t making enough money for him care. Could be wrong on that last one, though
I’m not too concerned with that. If I don’t like the best in the series, then I probably won’t like any of them, but I am OK with that. A lot of folks are saying HeartGold/SoulSilver as better starting points, so I went with that. Got it emulated, so no real loss for me if I don’t like it.
I played the Beastieball demo, and it is a ton of fun. The combat is tactical volleyball, and is pretty satisfying to play.
Awesome, thank you!
Oh nice. Someone else suggested X/Y. Do you think HeartGold/SoulSilver are a better starting spot or about the same? I only ask since it X/Y is a little newer, so might have QoL improvements
Excellent. Sounds like a great place to start. Thanks!
I have never played a pokemon game (except Go). I don’t have nostalgia for pokemon, but I would like to play. I am down to start at any point (I can probably emulate for any platform I don’t own). Where would folks recommend I start?
Only into bottles, though.
Level 3 hits over 150kW. 50kW is slow nowadays. Most folks only use them on road trips or in situations they can’t charge at home, though. Level 2 is most common. Mine is set to 45 amps and does about 11kW
Social pressure in a lot of cases. My partner is still on Facebook for that very reason, though she has made it a point to only share queer joy on there.
You have the original commenter confused. millie just said if you were spamming patch notes, you’d get a block
That is a much more reasonable take, for sure. I would do the same, and probably go one step further and ask mods to step in.
In this case I don’t think OP is spamming patch notes, they just found this on interesting.
I think it is the best they, and that is why they did not show the others. Probably quite easily debunked based on multiple photos.
lol, what? This is a general gaming community. Also, that implies people can only post about games you are playing, which is such a wild take
So 2 dead kids is acceptable and makes it a discriminate attack. How many dead children before it is indiscriminate?
lol, well shit