4GB works. My kids use a T410 from 2010 with a SSD and it is a pleasant experience for daily use (browsing, YouTube, small Linux games)
4GB works. My kids use a T410 from 2010 with a SSD and it is a pleasant experience for daily use (browsing, YouTube, small Linux games)
Have you seen the clip of the Irish who has prepared a cassette to be played at his funeral?
On iOS there is GPX Tracker which simply records a GPX track and can overlay openstreetmap data while doing so.
Happy cake day! 🍰
The eagle as a symbol predates the nazis - a lot. The „Reichsadler“ has been used since 800 A.D. as in the region that is now Germany:
The Reichsadler, i. e. the German Imperial Eagle, originated from a proto-heraldic emblem that was believed to have been used by Charlemagne, the first Frankish ruler whom the Pope crowned as Holy Roman Emperor in AD 800, and derived ultimately from the Aquila, i. e. eagle standard, of the ancient Roman army.
Edit: of course the Nazis twisted this as well. To decide, if the eagle has to go, we need more details:
During Nazi rule, a stylised eagle combined with the Nazi swastika was made the national emblem (Hoheitszeichen) by order of Adolf Hitler in 1935.
Despite its medieval origin, the term “Reichsadler” in common English understanding is mostly associated with this specific Nazi-era version. The Nazi Party had used a very similar symbol for itself, called the Parteiadler (“Party’s eagle”). These two insignia can be distinguished as the Reichsadler looks to its right shoulder whereas the Parteiadler looks to its left shoulder.
Because if the military wants something, budgets are big. And they do not need to make money.
This @cheezits@lemmy.ca! I run Linux Mint on a T410 with 4 GB of Ram and a 250 GB SSD and the user experience is quite ok for normal day to day usage like playing light games, browsing and HD video streaming.
+1 for Linux Mint for the power user. They will fell familiar and can start their journey from there. The most important concept I would explain would be package managers and flat pack, as in vanilla Windows there is no such thing.
The second one would be regular updates and that you have to do a little maintenance from time to time
Mint would be my recommendation for the noob as well. It is a clean distro and does not require a lot of maintenance except regular updates.
Someone please stop time before I get any older; I want to get off.
Not as hard as you think. Stopping is not the problem. Stopping and still having fun is.
Louis picked it up from Gamers Nexus, as he says in the video.
Great answer.
How was your experience? What information did you miss, to make this a smooth transition?
Take a look at „The Linux Experiment“ on YouTube or tidal. He switched his whole setup to Linux and runs a business on top of free software, including editing his screen casts.
Edit: he uses tuxedo computers hardware and the OS it is shipped with, Tuxedo OS, which is Debian based.
I am currently reviving an T410 for my kids. I put an 250 GB SSD inside and the newest Linux Mint and play around with it now. I am still on 4 GB Ram, as I didn’t want to spend the 60€ to upgrade to 8 GB, yet.
It runs great. I can watch YouTube, browse the web and rip some of my CDs for my NAS and my Kids Audio Players with that sweet internal DVD drive. My guess is 60% of the people would not need more computing power. And this machine was released in 2010.
This is my experience as well. I would add: if you like to tinker and have time to spare, use Linux. If you want a Unix and have more money than time, buy a Mac.
The ranking is based on his use case. He does media production and uses tuxedo laptops. My guess is, he just took a different path and never got deeper into Suse.
39 cents/SMS. I remember this time. This does not explain why it has to be that specific protocol, though.
Business users are the target group. If your job needs you to reply to a lot of mails and the Myomen you press the reply button AI creates an answer for you, you only need to edit in some details, the time safed will probably be worth more than 30$ a month.
Other use cases are internal communications. I know intranet software where you just promt a topic, a tone and what department you like from and it will create a news for you. Again not perfect, but safes you from staring at a blank page.
I have limited my usecases for selfhosting and thrown money at the problem. The usecases are:
The last one is expendable. The first three are backed up into the cloud. I use a Synology, thus throwing money at the problem. Their cloud backup just works.
Edit: use cases I do not self host are a mail server for example. The stress outweighs the 12€/year I pay for the service.