Wow, thats a scentence i thought i would never read
Wow, thats a scentence i thought i would never read
400g extra dick, nicht schlecht… nicht schlecht
You may get new and temporary E-Mails but never give up your first one.
One would think that somebody who is poly and plays DnD knows how to communicate and handle their emotions. If I would haven been in your position I would probably have started a campaign without them much sooner.
Cursed be that knowledge
Honestly i dont get it, please explain
Funny is that just today i found one on the street
He is the lost guitar pick
Yeah. Not flexible, to long, no base before you impaled yourself, pointy, probably used standing…
You allways pay with something
Allright, whats your Problem /s
Dont worry, it will come Back(maybe with a new different kind of game)
He is just a Little Guy, helping where he can.
What do you intend to say with that ? (before i downvote you)
As if it ever was about the cluster of cells and not the oppression of others…
Damn, that picture wakes the Feeling of wanting to go for a hike