This is an “I still live in my mom’s basement” comment.
This is an “I still live in my mom’s basement” comment.
This right here. It’s not that people don’t want kids. It’s that they’re at their breaking point already.
Why would Joe make face at this? He’s on the tit.
I got banned from the “Name My Cat” thread because I CONTEND that all cats should be named Dickface.
I don’t think Trump would even retaliate if Putin hit the continental U.S. with a missile strike.
If I found myself laid out on a blanket that was the same color and texture of my own hide, I’d be a little worried about it’s origins.
Not aliens, bourbon barrels. Bourbon barrels outnumber people in this part of the world.
Yeah dummies, those faces Biden was making weren’t him forgetting, they were incredulous expressions in response to the lies Trump was putting out during the debate.
…is this meme taking a swipe at the G.W.Bush administration? What year is it?
“Alexa, from now on, call me ‘Big Dick Daddy from Cincinnati’.”