I planned on building shelves for all my consoles and I wondered about how I was going to hook everything up… here it is! Thanks for posting this is awesome.
I planned on building shelves for all my consoles and I wondered about how I was going to hook everything up… here it is! Thanks for posting this is awesome.
Hello VPN.
Holy shiiiiiiiiiiiiit
This is actually fucking nuts and there’s a part of me that would want to go.
I tried playing it last night, and I really reaaaaally wanted to play through it. It’s really fun and original, but boy, does it stir up some primal fear in me when the fog rolled in. Also, it doesn’t help that murky water and things in said water just absolutely fuck me up. So, needless to say, I can’t play it unless I have people around me because my anxiety goes from 0 when I’m fishing and 100 when it gets spooky.
I think it just goes back to two main things. Being breast fed as a child, you grow to depend and love on the boob, so it’s kind of baked into our genetics to some degree. Secondly the Church basically sexualized boobs and are considered taboo private parts most people aren’t supposed to see so that gives it some sort of allure that you’re seeing something your not supposed to, which in American culture is pretty much the norm. Think of how ankles were such a thing to flaunt not that long ago at all. Some cultures just outright don’t care about boobs and just let em hang out so I really just feel like it boils down to culture for most of it.
Past all of that, and personally, a nicely resting boob is just a great sight. Something about the curves and seeing the body in its natural form idk. Also, squishy, they’re great to just have a hand on and give a good squish every now and then.
I’ve wanted to do this for awhile with a RPG - you might have convinced me to do this on the next one I pick up.
If anyone read the report about the hate comments, you would know that they consider Pepe to fall into this category and was the OVERWHELMING majority of the percentage of what they refer to as hate speech… and it is just a frog. Pepe was 1st in percentage while swastikas were 2nd at 9% - just to give you an idea. Also steam has over a billion users, over a hundred million active users and if you crunch the numbers, it is less than a percent of accounts posting this thing of material. I’m not saying racist shit on steam isn’t a problem, but they’re blowing it up way out of its actual scope.
When did nexus mods become shady?
These people have no concept of geo politics and global trade. For example, we produce a lot of the world’s soy, that’s a major export, not many other countries do it on a large scale like that - so we cut the other countries some slack and tell them we won’t produce this particular good so you can have a hand in the global economy. Yes having the production here would be ideal as I’m all for it, but the world is so much more than Murica and they can’t see past their fucking noses.
Someone update the wiki!!!
Thanks. Opening up that site and being greeted with “we share your info with 800+ companies” made me turn around so fast.
Just put the original V3S from DayZ into a game and you’ll be space bound in no time
Taking over corporate phone systems… what? Care to elaborate?
And at the same time, I’m slowly collecting copies of all the old games I used to play, and some I didn’t play as a kid. I just picked up a damn near pristine copy of Gundam Battle Assault 2 for $40. The game basically never fluctuated in value in about 20 years time and I find that hilarious.
I’m over here in the corner enjoying the metal gear collection on my PS3
Yea this is it, thanks for dropping this. I’m going to have so much fun with this.
Wait… his name is actually Purkeypile? I remember playing through fallout 4 once and I looked through the list of names Codsworth recognized… and Purkeypile was one of them. I named my character that and made him the most dapper man in the wasteland “Missta Purkeypile…”
I wonder if they put that in there because of him.