Nah ACAB. (Hr are cops in my head cannon)
Nah ACAB. (Hr are cops in my head cannon)
Nah, there is never enough for oligarchs
On point two you are correct only if the attacking force has air/sea supremacy like the us did in WWII. With drones I have a very hard time believing that will be the case. That is what makes it hard. Sure landings are brutal, but logistics is a nightmare when you have to supply your troops with vulnerable ships. That is why the Russian navy getting smacked about by Ukraine is so relevant.
Everyone in the lead up to the Russian invasion thought Russia had a world class army (besides some analysts like Philips O’Brien). Three day invasion is how many western analysts were spinning it (Michael Koffman is the one I remember talking about this). I think it is a stretch to believe that the Chinese military is any better, especially since their last fight was, what, in the 70s against Vietnam?
Ukraine doesn’t have a giant moat around it. Taiwan does. Amphibious warfare is much much much harder than land based war. Probably by like 2 orders of magnitude at least. Keeping an army supplied in that environment is very very hard and that was before drones made defense warfare extremely effective. The US stopped supplying weapons to Ukraine for a few months last year and they held the line quite well just with their drones.
I wouldn’t want to be getting into a shooting war after seeing what Russia has got itself into. Fuck, Russia lost its fleet to a country without a navy.
Does Xi think he can keep a land army supplied in the era of drones taking out surface combatants?
Is “joining us for dessert” a euphemism?
Yeah. Because we spent all of our carbon budget solving sudokus with idling car engines and making busty Garfields with genai instead of reducing our carbon emissions. All because these dipshits were conned by their own bullshitting machines.
POV of someone about to get their shit wrecked by a Hippo
Huge assumption
To be fair, it wasn’t a dog.
I suspect it has a lot to do with why she lost. Her assignment was to show that she was something new and she failed spectacularly. Actually embracing Palestinians would have gone a long way to that.
Biden was perfectly fine according to her even though the old fuck had to step down from his candidacy because everyone hated him.
I’m a webtiles man.
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup
Both are almost exactly like programming for me. Impossible not to get in the zone.
If I had this misfortune of having raw milk I guarantee that I would boil it before consuming it.
I don’t blame humans. I blame the rich. We don’t deserve this but they are too blinded by greed and the belief they are somehow separated from the world. The only solace I have is that they will die with the rest of us.
The good news for you is that these things are nonlinear. If AMOC collapses we are in a world of pain. Arctic methane, fires, etc will speed up everything. Pretty exciting on the extinction front.
We are going extinct…
I’ve got some good new for you
So account for the people who didn’t show up. Harris lost because no one was enthusiastic about her enough to show up. Biden had millions more votes than Harris.
Who gets an office anymore. I though it was all hotdesking bullshit