I did some brain jogging and I think in German it went like this:
Mein Vater war ein Maurer. Sein Vater war ein Maurer. Auch ich mauere Tag ein Tag aus. Doch sag mir, wo steht mein Haus?
Which would translate to
My father was a bricklayer. His father was a bricklayer. I, too, wall up day in and day out. But tell me, where is my house?
But I can’t figure out what the movie was.
The only thing that bothers me about terms like “trans rights”, “women rights”, … is that there should be no need to prefix “rights” with anything but “human”. And human rights should apply to all humans indiscriminately, obviating the need to label any subset of human rights that shouldn’t exist. In my book, the slice of bread should read:
And in a better world every bit of that should be so obvious that it wouldn’t need mentioning at all.