Just a reminder you can say fucking here. Fucking fuck shit you can, and holy fucking dogshit does that cunt fucking AI bullshit not even fucking work to replace a fucking intern, let alone a full ass engineer.
Just a reminder you can say fucking here. Fucking fuck shit you can, and holy fucking dogshit does that cunt fucking AI bullshit not even fucking work to replace a fucking intern, let alone a full ass engineer.
I think my CEO is doing something wrong then because he seems to be trying to maximize IC whiplash sometimes.
Way to enforce the tyranny of the morning people on yourself. Fuck getting up early. Night owl till I die. The thing people who push getting up early fail to realize is that if everyone was the same as them and got up at the ass crack of dawn, modern society as we know it would not function. There will always be shit that needs to get done at night, or even just the afternoon, and if everyone got up in the morning those things simply wouldn’t get done. Who maintains the power grid at night if everyone falls asleep at 8 pm, for example? Reclaim your natural circadian rhythm for yourself and for society. Ask those self-righteous cunts what they were doing at 10 pm if they have such superior work ethic.
I think your experience highlights the main difference, the ability to leave an instance and disengage with authoritarian assholes without having to leave Lemmy. On reddit your only options are to leave or comply.
Those naked pictures of your mom
That is a beautiful cat