Isn’t there a Black Mirror episode of this
Isn’t there a Black Mirror episode of this
Can I play devil’s advocate a little bit here, because I was really unaware that this ever worked for anything except indie artists on Bandcamp. So Bandcamp works for them or for discovering new music obviously.
I didn’t know artists ever sold digital music on their websites, but that does make sense, so I checked - if I google Taylor Swift and go to her website, there it is, digital music purchase. Great.
I went to U2’s website, and the only music I can buy there is vinyl. I don’t want vinyl, I want digital. You can buy merch, but I’m after music, not merch. Looking further, there’s all sorts of galleries and information about each album and song, but you still can’t buy the music.
Other mainstream artists I googled didn’t even go that far. Googling them brought up a wikipedia link, social media links, tours. All stuff I don’t want. Now your list has “contact artist via social media” - setting aside the fact that it’s unlikely a popular mainstream artist will even reply to anyone at all about anything, this is a real point of friction. I don’t want to have to contact an artist to find out some alternative way to get their music. If I’m buying something online, there needs to be some way to buy it online and ready to go. If we have to wait a couple of days or weeks for a reply that may or may not come - the process failed.
If I had to guess, they would probably say something like “it’s on spotify”.
So yes it probably is a supplier problem, but it seems to me that this is happening for the majority of popular artists if a majority of music people like is mainstream. I assume if you like the majority of indie music then that’s probably not the case.
and Palworld
But also right above the categories on the right hand side where the store page tells you if it’s single player/online pvp/online co-op, is the category “MMO”
But couldn’t you go to where the alternative dungeon’s keys are, get those and come back to get the earlier dungeon’s item that way?
I can’t see how you can softlock?
why would you pick Zelda 1 over Zelda 2 if you think 2 is more fun
HotS isn’t really dead - you can play it now and it feels as good as ever. We all want to see continued balance patches and more cosmetics and heroes and maps but the fact is that it already feels balanced and has enough cosmetics and enough heroes and enough maps.
That’s not to say we won’t love more or that we may as well stop playing it, but the real question you’re asking here is if the game is dead - it is not dead, and therefore won’t “return”. You just load it up, pick a hero, click Ready - and it’s “returned”.
FINALLY somebody gets it!
Sorry, old post. There’s hidden controls everywhere that just aren’t intuitive.
How do you throttle your downloads? A ton of my games that I know I own are missing from my library - where did they go? How do you get to the store page of a game in your library? If I take a screenshot with steam, where is it? My steam library is showing my games by month. But it was showing them by categories I set for them before. How do I get back to that?
I can do all of these things, but when I try, I might need to search around steam a bit to find it, and I might get stuck entirely and have to ask someone or ask google.
I do not consider steam user friendly
Contraband Police - it’s like Papers Please, but since it’s in first person, it’s more complex - you have to manage the whole border crossing area with the few staff you have, you have a car that you have to manually drive to a supply shop and to drop prisoners and contraband off at, and you can get ambushed along the way or at your base, where you’re manually be shooting at smugglers with guns you buy.
Shadows of Doubt - A game where you play as a detective in a city and you have to solve cases (sometimes murders) and often end up committing crimes yourself along the way. A lot of cases solved used by matching faces to names to fingerprints to voices to jobs to blood type, eye colour, hair colour, age, and so on. Extremely addictive and often hilarious, despite how buggy this early access game is.
Dicey Dungeons - A roguelike deckbuilder with 6 different classes where you roll dice against cards with different effects and your enemy does the same to you. I don’t love roguelikes and really don’t like deck games but this one is really appealing, and has a great soundtrack. The different classes play through a LOT of different “episodes” where the rules of the game change.
also playing a lot of Heroes of the Storm every goddamn night
It’s a full remake, not like a port or a rom
Boomer’s Adventure in ASMIK World
I never figured out why they gave the world such a weird name, or didn’t just call it Boomer’s Adventure
Is paint 3d actually any good?
I had such a hard time using it for basic things that I’d look for wherever they’d hidden away traditional paint instead.
I love SNW and greatly dislike Lower Decks, so it was pretty enjoyable for me when the crossover episode happened and the crew of the SNW all looked at the Lower Decks crew with expressions on their faces in the same way I thought of them, throughout the entire episode
I didn’t follow TOS and can’t follow what’s going on with the Gorn in SNW.
It seems really strange because every SNW episode has been episodic and they’ve been such great episodes, that now they’ve gone back between episode 1 and episode 10 with this Gorn arc, it’s souring the show for me.
Like maybe if this made more sense to me, fine, but can we go back to Spock and Chapel and T’Pring all dealing with their we-can’t-do-this relationship and Erica wanting to get out of the pilot’s seat for a while, and La’an dealing with a past and a relationship she’s forbidden to talk about, and M’Benga trying to deal with a dark past, and Uhura learning she’s more than she thinks she is… all that great stuff one episode at a time and then why not an episode perfectly mixed in with a musical as the penultimate episode to the season finale.
Oh, and by the way the Gorn are back so I guess there’s a new big uninteresting threat that Pike and the crew have to deal with to finish things off… OK. But why?
Is there a wireless version
When does Chrono Trigger really start to get good? I’ve tried to play it a few times but it never fully holds me.
So that Sisko could do a song with him as a little icing on the DS9 cake
Wasn’t the entire point of not using “Windows 9” branding and instead going straight to “Windows 10” from 8 that they didn’t want the last version of Windows to be 9, that they preferred a nice round number.