Perhaps, I use them when walking around mostly or in the night. At PC i have dedicated headphones.
Perhaps, I use them when walking around mostly or in the night. At PC i have dedicated headphones.
While airpods are dogwater in terms of recycling, I have a 2nd hand pair or them and 2 years later they still work like in the beggining.
At this point I don’t think he considers himself anything other than entitled to put US and the world in his pocket =))
Well because US is exactly shaped for the employee to be a modern slave: no social security net in case you are jobless so you have to get rolled over by the boss. Breaking point for most isn’t the morality of the company but when they are endangered or can’t provide for their families…
I’m in the same boat, my apple watch collects dust in the drawer. My next watch is going to be a classic one.
Yeah, nixos is great in some aspects, but a newcomer will be very displeased with a lot of nix specific things. And having quite bad documentation is no help either.