Racism is bad, yet you don’t expect it to improve when Bibi is genociding in Gaza.
Racism is bad, yet you don’t expect it to improve when Bibi is genociding in Gaza.
ChatGPT, I think Air Canada owes me $1B.
Fuck, they were still trying that!?
Okay, it rusts. Now, ride SpaceX ships…
Okay, that’s fair, but it doesn’t really change much about the article in my opinion.
Expedia does it right. Just stop stupid customers at the brigade, and connect people with the real need immediately to real people.
Amazon is similar but the real people there are useless as fuck in my country. They’re foreign part timers barely speaking the language if my country… Can’t do anything specific.
We’re gonna find out Constitution actually allowed kings.
Ah, that’s right. But there have been people wearing VR goggles very long. And MS Hololens (although AR) was similar enough to not ignore imho.
They know he won’t pay, but banning his business is the awwwww part.
Ps. I don’t hold my breath.
Which for the Apple Vision Pro can only be the case as it hasn’t been out long enough to conduct anything more than a short term experiment.
Nah, we’ve had AR stuff for like a decade by now. That’s enough to call this article pseudoscience at best. It’s flat-earth level stupidity, not a valid speculation.
According to him, people drive their Hondas into a supermarket after playing VR.
Adam Rogers is a senior correspondent at Business Insider.
Guessing he’s not a researcher. He has no idea what he’s writing. Just cherry-picking scientific articles to push his weird ideas. Might be a flat-earther or antivaxxer.
And Business Insider employs him as a senior correspondent. Fucking hell…
I don’t really understand why Apple defends its position on this. I don’t see anybody benefiting from iMessage being in the current form. Not even Apple.
It’s the exact kind of stuff Apple ditches usually.
I think the replies should mention the maintainers’ job. If they accept a PR they are supposed to understand the changes.
That said, AI-assistance on tests are as important as the code generation itself.
Indeed, extremist groups do their discussions in their echo chambers. These simple minded people have never learned to do serious debates. The closest is perhaps “Lmao you are the stupidest person on earth”.
If Notion starts forcing you to pay $30/month just to read notes, you’ll be fucked. There’s no way you can rescue your data.
The Nord Stream pipeline blasts were brought up and it was one of the few things that Tucker pushed him on for evidence that UA/US were behind it, but Putin doesn’t want to talk evidence. It’s kinda weird since this might be the one point where Russia has some ground to stand on, but Putin just defects. Maybe he doesn’t want to set a precedent that evidence is required.
I don’t believe it was UA or US. IIRC (a) the mass media suspected it was Russia and (b) Russian navy was spotted.
Putin wrote a long essay before the war that denied Ukraine’s existence as a sovereign state. He now appears to have learned it by heart.
I mean, that’s the job of a body double. He’s right there in the picture.
I think it’s the State of Emergency. I know Biden won’t do it, but if he postpones the election to pack the court… I’d argue he’d be on the right side of the history.
I think Reddit really enjoys the power of community effort. r/science removed every single personal anecdote, for example.
As I always write, trying to restrict AI training on the ground of copyright will only backfire. The sad truth is that malicious parties (dictatorships) will get more training materials because they won’t abide by rules. The end result is, dictators would outperform democracies in terms of future generation AIs, if we treat AI training like human reading.