-A cyborg mostly in control of implants
-A carbon based product of Silicon Valley
-Watched over by big brother in a tyranny of convenience
-Proponent of free speech
-Opponent of Newspeak
-Pusher of boundaries
-Nonmember of the Uniparty
0 Posts
1 Comment
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: November 7th, 2023
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If the only thing you are missing is youtube download ability, why not use one of the many options to do that from a handset? Newpipe or Spottube are on fdroid. https://invidious.io/ allows you to do it from a browser.
If the only thing you are missing is youtube download ability, why not use one of the many options to do that from a handset? Newpipe or Spottube are on fdroid. https://invidious.io/ allows you to do it from a browser.