Who owns the mounted files and what are the permissions? $ ls -l /path/to/mounted/sdcard
Who owns the mounted files and what are the permissions? $ ls -l /path/to/mounted/sdcard
Nothing to really fix because thats the design. In userland you can do anything, system wide needs elevated credentials. If you don’t want the password prompt, look into aliases and sudoers/pkexec
I had to take the keyboard off to remove a screw that enabled the required bios update. Since then been running Void with no issues. This was a Lenovo N22 so old, but still working.
I just have https://github.com/leahneukirchen/hrmpf because I want the zfs modules available. Everything I need is there
Been using it a while and I genuinely cant find anything to complain about. xbps is the best pkg manager, runit is quick and gets out the way and all my architectures are supported
SwayFX (Sway with a bit more eye candy effects)
Supports musl on every architecture I have. ARM, AARCH64, x86_64 - no problem.
Qtile… the default bar is really nice to use and if you know a little python every aspect of the WM is easy to hack around in. Docs are great too.